Java Phaser getRoot() Method

The getRoot() Method is of Phaser Class. This method is used to get the root of the current phaser.



It returns the root of the current phaser.

Example 1

Test it Now


Phasecount is 0
Thread-0 arrived
Thread-1 arrived
Root : java.util.concurrent.Phaser@7852e922[phase = 0 parties = 1 arrived = 0]
Thread-4 arrived
Thread-3 arrived
Thread-2 arrived
Thread-5 arrived

Example 2

Test it Now


Phasecount is 0
Thread-1 arrived
Root : java.util.concurrent.Phaser@7852e922[phase = 0 parties = 1 arrived = 0]
Thread-0 arrived
Root : java.util.concurrent.Phaser@7852e922[phase = 0 parties = 1 arrived = 0]
Thread-4 arrived
Thread-3 arrived
Thread-5 arrived
Thread-2 arrived
Thread-6 arrived
Phasecount is 0

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