Java Program to find the largest and smallest word in a string.

In this program, we need to find the smallest and the largest word present in the string:

Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny

Consider above example in which 'an' is the smallest word and 'extraordinary' is the largest word. One of the approach to find smallest and largest word is to split string into words then, compare length of each word with variables small and large. If length of a word is less than length of small then, store that word in small. If length of a word is greater than length of large then, store that word in large.


  • STEP 2: DEFINE String string="Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny"
  • STEP 3: DEFINE word = " ", small = " ", large = " ".
  • STEP 4: Make object of String[] words.
  • STEP 5: SET length =0
  • STEP 6: string = string + " "
  • STEP 7: SET i=0. REPEAT STEP 8 to 9 STEP UNTIL i
  • STEP 8: IF(string.charAt(i) != ' ') then
                  word =word + string.charAt(i)
                  length =length + 1
                  word = " "
  • STEP 9: i=i+1
  • STEP 10: small = large =words[0]
  • STEP 11: SET k = 0. REPEAT STEP 12 to STEP 14 UNTIL k
  • STEP 12: IF(small.length() > words[k].length())
                  small = words[k]
  • STEP 13: IF(large.length() < words[k].length())
                  large = words[k]
  • STEP 14: k = k + 1
  • STEP 15: PRINT small
  • STEP 16: PRINT large
  • STEP 17: END



Smallest word: an
Largest word: extraordinary
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