Java program to find the maximum and minimum value node from a doubly linked list

In this program, we will create a doubly linked list then, iterate through the list to find out the minimum and maximum node.

Java program to find the maximum and minimum value node from a doubly linked list

We will maintain two variables min and max. Min will hold the minimum value node, and max will hold the maximum value node. In above example, 1 will be the minimum value node and 9 will be the maximum value node.


  • Define a Node class which represents a node in the list. It will have three properties: data, previous which will point to the previous node and next which will point to the next node.
  • Define another class for creating the doubly linked list, and it has two nodes: head and tail. Initially, head and tail will point to null.
  • minimumNode() will prints out minimum value node:
    • Define variable min and initialize with head's data.
    • Current will point to head.
    • Iterate through the list by comparing each node's data with min.
    • If min > current's data then min will hold current's data.
    • At the end of the list, variable min will hold the minimum value node.
    • Print the min value.

a. maximumNode() will prints out maximum value node:

  • Define variable max and initialize with head's data.
  • Current will point to head.
  • Iterate through the list by comparing each node's data with max.
  • If max < current's data then max will hold current?s data.
  • At the end of the list, variable max will hold the maximum value node.
  • Print the max value.



Minimum value node in the list: 1
Maximum value node in the list: 9
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