Java Program to Generate Random Hexadecimal Bytes

Hexadecimal numerals, or simply hex, are frequently used in computing for a variety of tasks like cryptographic keys, memory addresses, and colour codes in web design. Hexadecimal numbers are base-16, with letters A-F and digits 0-9.

Hexadecimal Bytes

A byte in Java is an 8-bit signed integer ranging from -128 to 127. However, in hexadecimal representation, a byte is typically viewed as an unsigned 8-bit value ranging from 00 to FF (0 to 255 in decimal). To generate random hexadecimal bytes, we need to generate random values within this range and convert them to hexadecimal format.

In Java, there are several ways to generate random hexadecimal bytes. This article will go over several methods to accomplish this, showing how to use java.util.Random.nextInt() to create random bytes in decimal form and Integer.toHexString() to convert them to hexadecimal form.

Using java.util.Random.nextInt() and Integer.toHexString() Methods

This method generates the next random integer from the random number generator's sequence. By specifying a range, we can generate a number between 0 (inclusive) and the specified value (exclusive).

The java.lang contains a static method called Integer.toHexString(int num). An integer can be represented as a hexadecimal string using the integer class. The function accepts a single integer as input and outputs a string in base-16 (hexadecimal) representing the number.

File Name:


Random Hexadecimal Byte: c5

Using Class for Cryptographic Security

A cryptographically robust pseudo-random number generator (CSPRNG) is used by SecureRandom. Because it guarantees that the numbers created are less predictable than those generated by the Random class, it is perfect for cryptographic operations in which security is a top priority. The Integer.toHexString() Method converts an integer to its hexadecimal string representation.

File Name:



Using ByteBuffer to Generate Multiple Hexadecimal Bytes


Theclass can wrap a byte array and provides methods to manipulate the data. The Inteeger.toHexString method converts each byte to its hexadecimal string representation.

File Name:


Random Hexadecimal Bytes:
0b 1e a1 90 d0 8e e8 42 c2 5e

Using BigInteger Class to Generate Large Random Hexadecimal Numbers

The class can represent arbitrarily large integers and can be used to generate large random numbers. The toString(16) method converts the BigInteger to its hexadecimal string representation. Let's see an example.

File Name:


Random Hexadecimal String: db79ebc79b29c1426c53


Java allows for the generation of random hexadecimal bytes using a variety of techniques, each with specific benefits and applications. For typical applications, Random is easy to use and effective, while SecureRandom offers the cryptographic power required for applications that require security.

Working with byte arrays is a great fit for the versatile ByteBuffer function, that allows us to handle numerous bytes at once. Finally, BigInteger is an effective tool for creating big random integers and translating them into strings of hexadecimal characters.