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JavaScript Confirm

JavaScript confirm method invokes a function that asks the user for a confirmation dialogue on a particular action. The confirm () method uses a window object to invoke a dialogue with a question and two option buttons, OK and Cancel. If the user selects the OK option, it will continue to the function execution; selecting the Cancel option will abort the block code's execution.

It returns true if the user selects the OK option; otherwise, it returns false.



It takes a "message" value in string format to display in the confirmation dialogue you want to show the user.

Return value:

The confirm method returns a Boolean output, either true or false, if the OK is selected.

A boolean indicating whether OK (true) or Cancel (false) was selected. If a browser ignores in-page dialogues, then the returned value is always false.

Usage of the Confirm method

  • The JavaScript confirm() method is used to display a specific message on a dialogue window with the OK and Cancel options to confirm the user action.
  • For dealing with some CRUD operations, it is necessary to use a confirmation message instead of directly applying an action.
  • It is used to accept or verify something.
  • It forces the browser to read the message and focus on the current window.
  • It stops all the actions until the confirmation window is closed.
  • It returns true when users select OK and false on the selection of the CANCEL option.

Note: The JavaScript confirm method should not be overused. It blocks access to the other parts of the page until action is selected or the window is closed.


Example1: Printing the selected action



The above html page will display some text and an action button as follows:

JavaScript Confirm

When we click the Click Here button, it will open a dialogue window with the specified message and OK and Cancel options.

JavaScript Confirm

If we select the OK action, it will execute the code true block code; otherwise, it will execute the false block code. Consider the below output:

JavaScript Confirm

Example 2: Using the confirm method with a condition



The above html page will display some text and an action button as follows:

JavaScript Confirm

When we click the Click Here button, it will open a dialogue window with the specified message and OK and Cancel options.

JavaScript Confirm

If we select the OK action, it will execute the code true block code; otherwise, it will execute the false block code. Consider the below output:

JavaScript Confirm

From the above example, we can see if we have selected the OK, then it has applied the specified action under the if condition.

Example 3: Displaying the action message in multiple lines

To display the action message in multiple lines, we can write a \n just before the line that we want to be displayed in new line.

Consider the below example:



JavaScript Confirm

From the above output, we can see the action message is printed in multiple lines.

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