JavaScript Extension

We will discuss the JavaScript Extension in this article.

Browser extension

A browser extension is used to add the properties of a particular software on the web browser.

Web browsers permit you to install different kinds of software extensions and permit you to extend the properties of the browser.

In such a way, a code editor such as VS Code provides extensions that can be installed on the code editor to use its feature and ease the work of developers.

VS Code JavaScript extensions

Following are some of the JavaScript extensions that must be installed in VS Code that help developers to code more efficiently:

1. JavaScript (ES6) code snippets

JavaScript Extension

It was published by Charalampos Karypidis to help developers take benefits of new features. It consists of code snippets in ES6 syntax. It is installed by over 15 million of users. It supports both JavaScript, TypeScript, React, HTML, and Vue.

2. ESLint

JavaScript Extension

It is provided by the Microsoft and used to check the errors in JavaScript code. It highlights formatting problems, syntax mistakes, code style violations, etc. It is integrated into the VS Code. It is installed by over 33 million users.

3. Prettier-Code Formatter

JavaScript Extension

It was published by Prettier. It is an opinionated code formatter that permits reformatting the code to ensure consistent style, accounting for line length and wrapping when necessary. It is installed by over 42 million of users.

4. Tailwind CSS IntelliSense

JavaScript Extension

It was published by Tailwind Labs which is an intelligent CSS tooling for VS Code. It provides many advanced features such as syntax highlighting, auto-completion of the code, highlighting errors, hover preview, etc. It is installed by around 5.5 million users.

5. JavaScript Booster

JavaScript Extension

It was published by Stephan Burguchev to make the life of developers easy. It permits to remove the errors from the code by utilizing quick fixes. It boosts the productivity with advanced JavaScript or TypeScript.

6. Sort Lines

JavaScript Extension

It was published by Daniel Imms which is utilized to sort lines of text in your files. It permits you to sort items according to the alphabets automatically. It is installed by more eight thousand users.

7. DotENV

JavaScript Extension

It was published by mikestead which supports dotenv file syntax. It is utilized to add the syntax highlight to .env variables. This feature of highlighting the syntax helps developers to make less mistakes. It is installed by around 5.3 million users.

8. GitLens-Git supercharged

JavaScript Extension

It was published by GitKraken which helps to enhance the Git functionality. It is helpful extension for those who uses Git while making JavaScript projects. It is installed by more than 30 million of users.

9. Git Graph

JavaScript Extension

It is a VS Code extension that was published by mhutchie which permits you to view the Git graph of your repository and perform Git actions directly from the graph. It allows you to view commit details, compare two commits, code review, etc. It provides keyboard shortcuts, a repository settings widget, etc. It is installed by more than 7.4 million users.

10. GitHub Copilot

JavaScript Extension

It is a VS Code extension that was published by GitHub. It is an AI pair programmer that gives suggestions in real-time directly in the VS code. It provides autocomplete-style suggestions while developing codes. It is installed by more than 14 million users.


We have understood the JavaScript extension in this article. There are various JavaScript extensions that can be installed in the VS Code to add extra properties to the editor.

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