JavaScript Map VS ObjectWe have to deal with the key-value pairs in JavaScript repeatedly. When talking about key-value pairs, the most used strategy is utilizing Objects to store key-value pairs, but ECMAScript 2015 introduced a feature called map, which is also utilized to store key-value pairs. We will understand the JavaScript Map VS object in this article. In JavaScript, Map and Object are utilized to keep data as dynamic collections of key-value pairs. Let us understand maps and objects separately. What is a map?ES6 is a standard for scripting languages that bring into being a method called "Map". The Map is a data structure that is utilized in JavaScript to keep the collection of distinct data in the form of key-value pairs, which also means that a map cannot store the same data. Following is the syntax for constructing a JavaScript Map: What is an Object?The Object is kind of similar as that of a map, i.e., a data structure that is used to store unique data in the form of key-value pairs. There is a bit of distinction between an Object and a map which we will learn further in this article. Following is the syntax for constructing a JavaScript Object: Map VS Object1. Based on constructionConstructing a Map: The Map can be created in only one way which is as follows: Code: Output: Constructing an Object: There are various ways in which we can create an Object in JavaScript which are as follows:
Code: Output: We can witness an empty object in the output below.
Code: Output: An Object has been created as we can witness the output below.
Code: Output: We can witness the Object created in the outcome downwards. 2. Based on how to access the element:
Syntax: 3. Based on the type of key:
4. Based on how to check whether a key exists already or not:
Syntax: The has() function returns a boolean value, i.e., true or false.
Syntax: It returns boolean value either true or false. 5. Based on how to add a new element:
Syntax: 6. Based on how to get size:
Syntax: It returns the size of the elements. 7. Based on how to delete an element:
Syntax: 8. Based on how to read key and value pairs:
Syntax: Output:
Syntax: Output: 9. Based on iteration:
Syntax of using the for() loop: Syntax of using the forEach() loop:
Syntax of using the for() loop: Syntax of using the forEach() loop: 10. Based on the conversion of them into JSON:
We can say that Map is preferred over Object because of the reasons which we have already discussed-above. Conclusion:We have understood the JavaScript Map VS Object in this article. Both Map and Object are utilized to store data in key-value pairs but they are different in a way. The key difference between Map and Object is that the Map utilizes complex data types as keys whereas Object utilizes only string data type. Next TopicComposition in JavaScript |