jQuery radio button

Radio buttons are the small circles that allow users to select only one relevant option from several options. Commonly, radio buttons are used in registration forms, exam portals, quiz portals, and more.

Checked/unchecked radio button

In the checked radio button, only one option at a time is selected.

We use .prop() method to create checked/unchecked radio button in jQuery.


  • For checked radio button
  • For unchecked radio button



jQuery radio button

Select radio button based on button click

jQuery also allow us to select relevant radio button based on the button clicked by the user.




  • On clicking the Yes button
jQuery radio button
  • On clicking the No button
jQuery radio button
  • On clicking the reset button
jQuery radio button

Get selected checked radio button value

The .val () method is used to easily get selected checked radio button value.

Output 1:

On clicking the java radio button, the textbox shows that your selected course is java.

jQuery radio button

Output 2:

On clicking the C Language radio button, the textbox shows that your selected course is C language.

jQuery radio button

Output 3:

On clicking the C++ radio button, the textbox shows that your selected course is C++.

jQuery radio button

Output 4:

On clicking the Python radio button, the textbox shows that your selected course is Python.

jQuery radio button

Radio button validation

In jQuery radio button validation, we are going apply validation on radio button that it (radio buttons) can't be empty.

For example, If any user will not check the radio button then he/she will get the error message.

To apply radio button validation in jQuery, use the below script -



  • Select the radio button and click on the submit button. A pop-up window will appear saying: Course selected successfully.
jQuery radio button
  • Just click on the Submit button an error message will appear saying: please select a course.
jQuery radio button

Show and hide radio button content

In the jQuery show() and hide() methods are used to show and hide the content.



  • Clicking on the Show Content radio button, the content Welcome to javaTpoint will be displayed.
jQuery radio button
  • Clicking on the Hide Content radio button, the content Welcome to javaTpoint will be disappeared.
jQuery radio button

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