jQuery star rating

Star ratings are used by users (reviewers) for providing rating (feedback) on things such as films, restaurants, hotels, TV shows, specific services, and specific products with a number of stars.

The below examples show that how we can create star rating programs in jQuery -

Example 1: Simple star rating

In a simple star rating, star symbols are used to provide ratings (reviews) on a specific product. Commonly, the range of a simple star rating lies between 1 star to 5 stars.


We use the below syntax to create a simple star rating program in jQuery -


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jQuery star rating

Example 2: Star rating with hover

Star rating with hover allows users to provide ratings on a particular product without clicking on the star icon. Hover the mouse pointer over the star icons, and it automatically selects the star.

The below script is used to create a star rating with hover in jQuery -


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