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LINQ Group Join

In LINQ, a Join clause with an 'into' expression is called a Group join. In LINQ, Group join produces a sequence of the elements of the objects, which is based on the matching element from both left and right collections.

In case, if no matching element found from the right collection with the left collection, then the join clause will return an empty array. In LINQ, Group join is an equivalent to inner equi join except for the result of the elements organized into groups.

Syntax of LINQ Group Join

The syntax of using the LINQ Group Join to get the matching element from the given collections based on our requirement.

From the above syntax, we used a Join clause with an 'into' expression to get the matching elements from the collections.

Examples of LINQ Group Join

Here is the example of LINQ Group Join to get the matching elements from the collections based on the required conditions.

In the above example, we used the Join clause with an 'into' expression, and we are grouping the elements based on the department name.


LINQ Group Join

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