LINQ SKIP OPERATORIn LINQ, the Skip operator is used to skip the specified number of elements from the list/collection and return the remaining elements. Syntax of LINQ Skip OperatorThe syntax of using the LINQ Skip Operator is used to skip the specified number of elements from the collection and return the remaining elements from the collection. C# Code From the above syntax, we are skipping the first three elements by using the "Skip (3)" and getting the remaining elements from the collection. Example of LINQ Skip Operator in Method SyntaxHere is the example of using the LINQ Skip operator in method syntax to skip the specified elements from the collection and getting the remaining elements from the collection. In the above example, we are trying to skip the first three countries. So we passed "3" as an input parameter with the help of SKIP operator. It will display the rest of the country. OUTPUT: The result of using the skip operator in LINQ to skip some elements in the list as shown below. Example of LINQ Skip operator in Query SyntaxC# Code OUTPUT:
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