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Linux Meaning

What is Linux?

An operating system can be described as an interface among the computer hardware and the user of any computer. It is a group of software that handles the resources of the computer hardware and facilitates basic services for computer programs.

An operating system is a necessary component of system software within a computer system. The primary aim of an operating system is to provide a platform where a user can run any program conveniently or efficiently.

On the other hand, Linux OS is one of the famous versions of the UNIX OS. It is developed to provide a low-cost or free OS for several personal computer system users. Remarkably, it is a complete OS including an X Window System, Emacs editor, IP/TCP, GUI (graphical user interface), etc. It obtained the reputation as a very efficient and fast performing system.

Linux is an operating system similar just like Mac OS, iOS, and Windows. Android is powered by Linux OS which is one of the most widely used platforms in the world.

An operating system is software that handles each resource of hardware related to our laptop or desktop. The operating system handles the communication process between our hardware and our software to simply put it.

But, when we have to select a platform to run embedded, servers, and desktop systems around the world, Linux is one of the most worry-free, secure, and reliable operating systems available.

Pieces of Linux

The Linux OS consists of various distinct pieces. Some of them are defined as follows:

Linux Meaning
  • Bootloader: It is software that handles our computer's boot process. Simply, it will be a splash screen that appears and goes away for booting into the OS eventually.
  • Kernel: It is one piece of the entire that is known as Linux. It can be defined as the core of the system and handles the peripheral devices, memory, and CPU. The kernel is also the lowest stage of the operating system.
  • Init system: Init is a sub-system that can bootstrap the space of the user and is charged with handling daemons. Once the starting booting process is given through the bootloader the init system handles the process of the boot (i.e., GRand or GRUB Unified Bootloader).
  • Graphical server: It is a sub-system that shows the graphics on our monitor. Commonly, it is known as X or X server.
  • Daemons: The daemons are the background services (scheduling, sound, printing, etc.) that either log into the computer or start-up while booting.
  • Desktop Environment: The desktop environment is a piece that several users interact with actually. There are various desktop environments to select from (Xfce, KDE, Enlightenment, Pantheon, Mate, Cinnamon, GNOME, etc.). All desktop environments contain built-in applications like games, web browsers, configuration tools, and file managers.
  • Applications: The desktop environment does not provide the full array of applications. Just like Mac OS and Windows, Linux provides thousands over thousands of superior software titles that could be easily detected and installed.

Most of the latest Linux distributions contain App Store-like resources that simplify and centralize the installation of the application.

For example, Ubuntu Linux includes the Ubuntu Software Center which permits us to search quickly between the several applications and install them through a single centralized location.

Why we should use Linux?

Linux has derived into the safest ecosystem of the computer in the world. It includes the reliability with zero entry cost and we have the best solution for the desktop platform.

We can install Linux over several computers without having to pay money for server or software licensing. Generally, Linux is less susceptible to various types of attacks such as viruses, malware, or ransomware.


Also, Linux is distributed upon the open-source license. There are a few key tenants that are followed by open-source:

  • For any objective, the freedom to execute the program.
  • The freedom to learn how the program is working and modify it to enable it to do whatever we want.
  • The freedom to reconstruct copies of our changed versions to others.
  • The freedom to reconstruct copies so we can help our neighbor.

These key points are necessary to understand the community that implements together for creating the Linux environment. Linux is the operating system i.e., for the people and by the people without any doubt. Also, these tenants are the main aspect in why several people select Linux. It is all about freedom, freedom of selection, and freedom of use.

What is "distribution?"

Linux includes several variations to suit their users. We will find several types of Linux flavors to match our requirements from novice users to hard-core users. These types of versions are known as distributions (or "distros").

All Linux distributions can nearly be free downloaded, installed (on as many machines as we like), and burned over the disk (or USB thumb drive).

All of the distributions have a distinct take over the desktop. A few opt for various user interfaces like Elementry and GNOME OS's Pantheon. Besides, others interact with a traditional environment (KDE used by openSUSE).

It is an OS that is composed of a software-based collection on Linux kernel or we can say the distribution includes the Linux Kernel. It is supporting software and libraries. We can obtain Linux-based OS by downloading any Linux distribution. These types of distributions exist for distinct types of devices such as personal computers, embedded devices, etc. Around more than 600 Linux distributions are existed and a few of the famous Linux distributions are listed as follows:

  • Deepin
  • OpenSUSE
  • Fedora
  • Solus
  • Debian
  • Ubuntu
  • Elementary
  • Linux Mint
  • Manjaro
  • MX Linux

There are also some server distributions available:

  • SUSE Enterprise Linux
  • CentOS
  • Ubuntu Server
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux

A few of these above distributions of the servers are free (like CentOS and Ubuntu Server) and a few include an associated price (like SUSE Enterprise Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux). But, those servers with the associated price include support as well.

Distribution Selection

Which distribution we use will rely on the fact to three general questions:

  • Do we prefer a standard or a modern desktop interface?
  • Desktop or server?
  • How proficient computer user are we?

If our computer proficiency is basic, we can use the distributions like Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Deepin, or Elementry OS. If our skillset increases into the above range, we can use the distributions like Fedora or Debian. However, if we are master of system or computer administration, we can use the distributions such as Gentoo. If we wish for any challenge, we can create our Linux distribution using Linux through Scratch.

If we are searching for a server-only interface, we will wish to determine if we wish to do it by command-line only, or if we need any desktop interface. The Ubuntu Server doesn't install a Graphical User Interface. It means two things our server would not be annihilated downloading graphics and we will need to have a good knowledge of the Linux command line.

We can however install the GUI package over the top of the Ubuntu Server along with an individual command such as Sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop. Also, system administrators will want to see a distribution with various features.

Linux Operating System Applications

Linux is a billion-dollar corporation nowadays. Thousands of governments and companies are using Linux operating systems across the world because of lower money, time, licensing fees, and affordability. Linux can be used within several types of electronic devices. These electronic devices are easily available for users worldwide. A few of the

famous Linux-based electronic devices are listed below:

  • Yamaha Motive Keyboard
  • Volvo In-Car Navigation System
  • TiVo Digital Video Recorder
  • Sony Reader
  • Sony Bravia Television
  • One Laptop Per child XO2
  • Motorola MotoRokr EM35 phone
  • Lenovo IdeaPad S9
  • HP Mini 1000
  • Google Android Dev Phone 1
  • Garmin Nuvi 860, 880, and 5000
  • Dell Inspiron Mini 9 and 12

Drawbacks of Linux

Linux Meaning
  • Hardware drivers: Most of the users of Linux face an issue while using Linux is a few hardware drivers don't exist for Linux. Various companies of hardware prefer to build drivers for Mac or Windows due to they contain several users than Linux. Linux has small drivers for peripheral hardware than windows.
  • Software alternative: Let's take the Photoshop example which is a famous tool for graphic editing. Photoshop exists for Windows; however, it is not available in Linux. Also, there are some other tools for photo editing but the Photoshop tool is more powerful as compare to others. Another example is MS office which is not present for Linux users.
  • Learning curve: Linux isn't a very user-friendly operating system. Hence, it might be confusing for many beginners. Getting begun with Windows is efficient and easy for many beginners; however, understanding Linux working is complex.
    We have to understand the command line interface and finding for newer software is a little bit complex as well. When we face any issue in the OS then the searching solution is very problematic. Also, there are various experts for Mac and Windows as compare to Linux.
  • Games: Several games are developed for Windows but unfortunately not for Linux. Because the platform of Windows is used widely. So, the developers of the games are more interested in windows.

Installing Linux

The idea to install an operating system may seem like a complex task for several people. Linux facilitates the easiest installations of each operating system. Most of the Linux versions facilitate live distribution. It means we execute the OS from either a USB or DVD/CD flash drive without creating any modifications to our hard drive.

We can get the complete functionality without committing to the installation. Simply, we double-click on the install icon and proceed with the general installation wizard once we have tried it out and determined we wanted to use it.

The installation wizards typically walk us through the procedure with the below steps:

Linux Meaning
  • Preparation: Make sure our machine meets the installation needs. Also, it may ask us if we wish to install any third-party software (like plugins for video codecs, MP3 playback, and others).
  • Wireless setup (if essential): If we are using a machine (or a laptop with wireless), we will have to connect to a network for downloading third-party updates and software.
  • Hard drive allocation: It is an important step that permits us to choose how we wish the OS to be installed. If we want to install Linux beside another OS (known as "dual-booting"), we can use the whole hard drive, install it on the existing Linux version, or upgrade the existing installation of Linux.
  • Location: Choose our location using the map.
  • Keyboard layout: Choose the keyboard for our system.
  • User setup: Setting up our password and username.

When the system installation is complete, restart, and we are ready to proceed.

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