Linux Output Redirection

Output redirection is used to put output of one command into a file or into another command.

> stdout

The stdout is redirected with a '>' greater than sign. When shell meets the '>' sign, it will clear the file (as you already know).


Linux Output Redirection1

Look at the above snapshot, greater than sign '>' redirects the command 'echo' output into a file 'afile.txt'.

Output File Is Erased

In output redirection, during scanning of a command line, shell will encounter through '>' sign and will clear the file.


Linux Output Redirection2

Look at the above snapshot, command "zcho Welcome > afile.txt" is wrong but still file 'afile.txt' is cleared.


We can prevent file deletion while using '>' sign with the help of noclobber option.



Linux Output Redirection3

Look at the above snapshot, command "set -o noclobber" prevents file from getting overwrite.

But command "set +o noclobber" allows you to overwrite the existing file.

Overruling noclobber

Overruling noclobber means you can overwrite an existing file while noclobber is set by using '>|' sign.



Linux Output Redirection4

Look at the above snapshot, with greater than '>' sign, bash doesn't allow to overwrite the file 'newfile.txt'. But with '>|' sign file is overwritten.


Append '>>' sign doesn't let the file content to be overwritten and hence, displays new as well as old file content.



Linux Output Redirection5

Look at the above snapshot, file 'newfile.txt' is not overwritten with append command. New content is displyed with the old one.

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