List Of BirdsA bird is a living thing that has feathers and wings. There are 249 families of birds, and 9021 bird species are present in the world. The genus of the birds are Trichoglossus, Ramphastos, Malurus, Caloena, Paradisaea, etc. Some of the birds are described below: 1. Rainbow LorikeetThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves and it is a part of the Psittaculidae family. Genus of this bird Trichoglossus. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Trichoglossus moluccanus. This bird eats the fruits, nectar, and pollen. About bird body:The height of birds is 305 mm, and the weight is 120 g. This bird has green, orange, red, blue, and yellow colours on its body. Enemies of this bird are peregrine falcons, diamond pythons, and brown hawks. The price of these birds is from rupees 37,353 to rupees 1,12,059. These birds are spotted in Australia. 2. Keel-billed ToucanThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Ramphastidae family. The genus of this bird is Ramphastos. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Ramphastos sulfuratus. This bird eats insects, lizards, bird eggs, and fruit. About bird body:The height of birds is from 431 mm to 558 mm, and weight is from 2 kg to 4 kg. This bird has black, bright yellow, vibrant red, and green colours on its body. Enemies of this bird are snakes, monkeys, and weasels. The price of this bird is rupees 336639. These birds are spotted in Mexico and Colombia. 3. Splendid FairywrenThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Maluridae family. The genus of this bird is Malurus. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Malurus splendens and the other name is Malurus pectoralis. This bird eats the insects and forages. About bird body:The height of birds is 14 cm, and the weight is from 8 g to 13 g. This bird has blue and black colours on its body. Enemies of this bird are big birds, ravens, magpies, etc. These birds are spotted in Western Australia 4. Nicobar PigeonThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Columbidae family. The genus of this bird is Caloenas. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Caloenas nicobarica. This bird eats the fruit, seeds, and insects. About bird body:The height of birds is 40 cm, and the weight is 0.5 kg. This bird has red, green, blue, and copper colours on its body. Enemies of this bird are rats and cats. The price of this bird is rupees 3829. These birds are spotted in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 5. Greater Bird-of-ParadiseThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Paradisaeidae family. The genus of this bird is Paradisaea. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Paradisaea apoda. This bird eats the seeds, fruit, and insects. About bird body:The height of birds is 15 cm, and the weight is 50 gm. This bird has scarlet, yellow, blue, and green colours on its body. Enemies of this bird are owls, snakes, and hawks. These birds are spotted in Indonesia. 6. Mandarin DuckThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Anatidae family. The genus of this bird is Aix. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Aix galericulata. This bird eats plants, snails, insects, fish, and seeds. About bird body:The height of birds is 2 cm to 24.5 cm, and the weight is 0.63 kg to 1.08 kg. This bird has a white, yellow, green, black, orange, and blue colour on its body. Enemies of this bird are mink, polecats, dogs, and owls. The price of this bird's pair is rupees 18672. These birds are spotted in Europe and America. 7. Marvelous SpatuletailThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves and it is a part of the Trochilidae family. The genus of this bird is Loddigesia, and the bird's order is Apodiformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Loddigesia mirabilis. This bird eats the scented flowers, herbs, and epiphytes. About bird body:The length of birds is 15 cm and the weight is 3 grams. This bird has blue, white, green, and bronze colours on its body. These birds are spotted in northern Peru. 8. Victoria Crowned PigeonThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Columbidae family. The genus of this bird is Goura, and the bird's order is Columbiformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Goura Victoria. This bird eats the fruits, seeds, and invertebrates. About bird body:The height of birds is from 609 mm to 711 mm, and the weight is 1.8 kg. This bird has white, blue, grey, and black colours on its body. These birds are spotted in the New Guinea region. 9. Painted BuntingThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Cardinalidae family. The genus of this bird is Passerina, and the bird's order is Passeriformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Passerina ciris. This bird eats the seeds and insects. About bird body:The height of birds is 12 cm to 14 cm, and the weight is 13 gm to 19 gm. This bird has blue, bright yellow, green, and red colours on its body. Enemies of this bird are black rat snakes, eastern kingsnakes, and coachwhip snakes. The price of these birds is from rupees 3750 to rupees 7501. These birds are spotted in North America. 10. Indian PeafowlThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Phasianidae family. The genus of this bird is Pavo, and the bird's order is Galliformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Pavo cristatus. This bird eats insects, fruits, seeds, and small mammals. About bird body:The height of birds is 90 cm to 130 cm, and the weight is 4 kg to 6 kg. This bird has brown, purple, blue, metallic green, indigo, hazel, and silver colours on its body. Enemies of this bird are snakes. The price of these birds is from rupees 2624 to rupees 20624. These birds are spotted in India. 11. Golden PheasantThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Phasianidae family. The genus of this bird is Chrysolophus, and the bird's order is Galliformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Chrysolophus pictus. This bird eats the berries, seeds, and grubs. About bird body:The height of birds is 90 cm to 105 cm, and the weight is 550 g. This bird has a red, rusty tan, golden-yellow, light orange, and blue colour on its body. Enemies of this bird are wild cats, foxes, and large rodents. The price of this bird's pair is rupees 14996. These birds are spotted in western China. 12. Emperor PenguinThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Spheniscidae family. The genus of this bird is Aptenodytes, and the bird's order is Sphenisciformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Aptenodytes forsteri. This bird eats the silverfish, krill, and squid. About bird body:The height of birds is 110 cm to 130 cm, and the weight is 22 kg to 45 kg. This bird has black, yellow, white, and orange colours on its body. Enemies of this bird are southern giant petrels, leopard seals, and south polar skua. These birds are spotted in Antarctica. 13. Satyr TragopanThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Phasianidae family. The genus of this bird is Tragopan, and the bird's order is Galliformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Tragopan satyra. This bird eats the buds, leaves, cockroaches, bamboo shoots, bulbs, and earwigs ants. These birds are spotted in the Himalayas. About bird body:The height of birds is 70 cm, and the weight is 2000 grams. This bird has orange, white, crimson, and brown colours on its body. 14. Horned SungemThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Trochilidae family. The genus of this bird is Heliactin, and the bird's order is Apodiformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Heliactin bilophus, and its other name is Heliactin cornutus. This bird eats citrus, stachytarpheta, nectar, and lantana. These birds are spotted in Bolivia and Brazil. About bird body:The height of birds is 9·5 cm to 11 cm, and the weight is 2 g to 5 g. This bird has a gold tufted, red, and dark blue colour on its body. 15. Gouldian FinchThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Estrildidae family. The genus of this bird is Chloebia, and the bird's order is Passeriformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Chloebia gouldiae, and its other name is Amadina gouldiae Gould, Chloebia gouldiae. This bird eats the insects, grass, and seeds. About bird body:The height of birds is 12 cm to 15 cm, and the weight is 14 g to 15 g. This bird has a yellow, light green, red, purple, black, and blue colour on its body. Enemies of this bird are hawks, snakes, and cats. The price of these birds is rupees 7489. These birds are spotted in Australia. 16. Great Blue TuracoThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Musophagidae family. The genus of this bird is Corythaeola, and the bird's order is Musophagiformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Corythaeola cristata. This bird eats the fruits, leaves, shoots, insects, etc. price of this bird is rupees 37452. These birds are spotted in Africa. About bird body:The length of birds is 70 cm to 76 I'm and the weight is 0.8 g to 1.2 kg. This bird has blue, yellow, green, red, and black colours on its body. 17. Scarlet MacawThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Psittacidae family. The genus of this bird is Ara, and the bird's order is Psittaciformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Ara macao and another name is Psittacus macao. These birds eat leaves, nuts, seeds, and fruits. About bird body:The length of birds is 89 cm, and the weight is 1 kg. This bird has yellow, orange, green, and blue colours on its body. Enemies of this bird are hawks, monkeys, snakes, jaguars, and eagles. The price of these birds is from rupees 149833 to rupees 299667. These birds are spotted in Mexico and Peru. 18. American FlamingoThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Phoenicopteridae family. The genus of this bird is Phoenicopterus, and the bird's order is Phoenicopteriformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Phoenicopterus ruber. This bird eats the aquatic invertebrates, insects, and fishes. Enemies of this bird are margay, jaguars, and raccoons. These birds are spotted in Caribbean Islands and South America. About bird body:The height of birds is 1.5 meters, and the weight is 1.8 kg to 3.6 kg. This bird has white, black, and pink colours on its body. 19. Golden ParakeetThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Psittacidae family. The genus of this bird is Guaruba, and the bird's order is Psittaciformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Guaruba guarouba and its other name is Aratinga guarouba. These birds eat seeds, flowers, nuts, crops, and fruits. Enemies of this bird are monkeys and snakes. These birds are spotted in Brazil. About bird body:The height of birds is 34 cm, and the weight is 270 gm. This bird has grey, yellow, pink, green, and brown colours on its body. 20. Oriental Dwarf KingfisherThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Alcedinidae family. The genus of this bird is Ceyx, and the bird's order is Coraciiformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Ceyx erithaca. This bird eats large frogs, insects, lizards, and fish. These birds are spotted in India. About bird body:The length of birds is 12.5 cm to 14 cm, and weight is 14 g to 21.5 g. This bird has white, blue, black, yellow, and orange colours on its body. 21. Himalayan MonalThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Phasianidae family. The genus of this bird is Lophophorus, and the bird's order is Galliformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Lophophorus impejanus. This bird eats the tubers, insects, shoots, berries, and seeds. These birds are spotted in Himalayas and Bhutan. About bird body:The length of birds is 70 cm, and the weight is 2,150 g to 2,380 g. This bird has green, black, red, orange, and blue colours on its body. 22. Indian RollerThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Coraciidae family. The genus of this bird is Coracias, and the bird's order is Coraciiformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Coracias benghalensis and its other name is Corvus benghalensis. This bird eats insects, scorpions, frogs, spiders, and amphibians. These birds are spotted in India. About bird body:The length of birds is 30 cm to 34 cm and weight is from 166 g to 176 g. This bird has a white, olive back, purple, and blue colour on its body. 23. Sulphur-crested CockatooThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves and it is a part of the Cacatuidae family. The genus of this bird is Cacatua and the bird's order is Psittaciformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Cacatua galerita. This bird eats the seeds, grain crops, and herbaceous plants. These birds are spotted in Australia and New Zealand. About bird body:The height of birds is 50 cm, and the weight is 815 g to 975 g. This bird has a white, dark grey, red, brown, sulphur-yellow, and black colour on its body. 24. Bee HummingbirdThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves and it is a part of the Trochilidae family. The genus of this bird is Mellisuga and the bird's order is Apodiformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Mellisuga helenae. This bird eats the nectar and insects. About bird body:The length of is 5.5 cm to 6.1 cm, and the weight is 1.95 g to 2.6 g. This bird has bluish-green, white and grey colours on its body. Enemies of this bird are falcons, tropical spiders, kestrels, and orioles. These birds are spotted on the island of Cuba. 25. Resplendent QuetzalThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Trogonidae family. The genus of this bird is Pharomachrus, and the bird's order is Trogoniformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Pharomachrus mocinno. This bird eats insects, fruit, and small creatures. About bird body:The length of birds is 33 cm to 40 cm, and the weight is 210 g. This bird has metallic green, blue, violet, and red colour on its body. Enemies of this bird are ornate hawk-eagle, kinkajou, emerald toucanet, and owls. These birds are spotted in Mexico. 26. Wilson's Bird-of-ParadiseThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Paradisaeidae family. The genus of this bird is Cicinnurus and the bird's order is Passeriformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Cicinnurus respublica, and its other name is Diphyllodes respublica. This bird eats the fruit and insects. About bird body:The length of Wilson's Bird-of-Paradise is 15 cm to 44 cm, and the weight is 50 g. This bird has red, yellow, green, blue, black, violet, and brown colour on its body. Enemies of this bird are owls, snakes, and hawks. These birds are spotted in Batanta Islands. 27. Blue JayThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Corvidae family. The genus of this bird is Cyanocitta and the bird's order is Passeriformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Cyanocitta cristata and another name of it is Corvus cristatus. This bird eats berries, nuts, seeds, grain, and fruits. About bird body:The length of birds is 25 cm to 30 cm and the weight is 70 g to 100 g. This bird has black, grey, blue, and white colours on its body. Enemies of this bird are falcons, hawks, and owls. These birds are spotted in North America. 28. Northern CardinalThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves, and it is a part of the Cardinalidae family. The genus of this bird is Cardinalis and the bird's order is Passeriformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Cardinalis and its other name is Loxia cardinalis. This bird eats peanuts, sunflower seeds, cracked corn, safflower seeds, and berries. About bird body:The length of birds is 21cm to 23.5 cm and the weight is 33.6 g to 65 g. This bird has red, orange, pale brown, and black colour on its body. Enemies of this bird are squirrels, blue jays, owls, dogs, snakes, and cats. These birds are spotted in south-eastern Canada. 29. Grey-crowned PittaThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves and it is a part of the Gruidae family. The genus of this bird is Balearica and the bird's order is Gruiformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Balearica regulorum. These birds eat invertebrates, toads, and insects. These birds are spotted in southern Africa. About bird body:The height of birds is 1 m and the weight is 3.5 kg. This bird has brown, grey, yellow, red, and white colours on its body. 30. Gurney's PittaThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves and it is a part of the Pittidae family. The genus of this bird is Hydrornis and the bird's order is Passeriformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Hydrornis gurneyi, and its other name is Pitta gurneyi. These birds eat slugs, earthworms, and insects. These birds are spotted in Myanmar. About bird body:The length of birds is 21 cm and the weight is 57 g to 86 g. This bird has purple, blue, black, and yellow colours on its body. 31. Atlantic PuffinThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves and it is a part of the Alcidae family. The genus of this bird is Fratercula and the bird's order is Charadriiformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Fratercula arctica and its other name is Alca arctica. This bird eats fish like sprat, hake, sand lance, herring, and cod. About bird body:The height of birds is 20 cm and the weight is 500 g. This bird has white, orange, yellow, and black colours on its body. Enemies of this bird are foxes, gulls, and eagles. These birds are spotted in North Atlantic Ocean. 32. Snowy OwlThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Aves and it is a part of the Strigidae family. The genus of this bird is Bubo and the bird's order is Strigiformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is Bubo scandiacus and its other name is Nyctea scandiaca. This bird eats the lemmings, rodents, amphibians, crustaceans, and voles. About bird body:The height of birds is 685 mm and the weight is 1.1 kg to 1.9 kg. This bird has white, black, and brown colours on its body. Enemies of this bird are wolves and foxes. These birds are spotted in North America. 33. Andean GullThis bird belongs to the Chordata phylum. The class of birds is Avec and it is a part of the Laridae family. The genus of this bird is Chroicocephalus and the bird's order is Charadriiformes. The binomial nomenclature of the bird is chroicocephalus Serranus and its other name is Larus Serranus. This bird eats amphibians, eggs, waterbirds, and earthworms. These birds are spotted in Argentina, Chile, and Ecuador. About bird body:The length of birds is 44 cm to 48 cm and the weight is 478 g. This bird has black and grey colour on its body.
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