
A Mb is the unit symbol of megabit, which is a multiple of unit bits. This unit is used for measuring the amount of data. In short, megabit is also called Mbit.
In the word megabit, mega denotes the sixth power of 10, which means 106.
1 megabit is equivalent to following values:

  • 106 bits,
  • 1 000 000 bits,
  • 1000 <kilobits class=""></kilobits>

1000 megabits are present in 1 gigabit.
It is used for measuring the data transfer rate of telecommunications systems or computer networks. Megabit (Mb) is that unit, which is larger than kilobit (Kb) and smaller than the unit gigabit (Gb).

Difference between Megabit and Megabyte

1 megabyte = 8 megabits.

Other data units to megabit conversion

Following list shows the value of megabits in other data units:

S. No.Other UnitsValue in Megabits
1.1 Bit (b) is equal to0.000001 Megabit (Mb)
2.1 Byte (B) is equal to0.000008 Megabit (Mb)
3.1 Kilobit (Kb) is equal to0.001 Megabit (Mb)
4.1 Kibibit (Kibit) is equal to0.001024 Megabit (Mb)
5.1 Kilobyte (KB) is equal to0.008 Megabit (Mb)
6.1 Kibibyte (KiB) is equal to0.008192 Megabit (Mb)
7.1 Megabit (Mb) is equal to1 Megabit (Mb)
8.1 Mebibit (Mibit) is equal to1.05 Megabit (Mb)
9.1 Megabyte (MB) is equal to8 Megabit (Mb)
10.1 Mebibyte (MiB) is equal to8.39 Megabit (Mb)
11.1 Gigabit (Gb) is equal to1000 Megabit (Mb)
12.1 Gibibit (Gibit) is equal to1073.74 Megabit (Mb)
13.1 Gigabyte (GB) is equal to8000 Megabit (Mb)
14.1 Gibibyte (GiB) is equal to8589.9 Megabit (Mb)
15.1 Terabit (Tb) is equal to1000000 Megabit (Mb)
16.1 Tebibit (Tibit) is equal to1099511.63 Megabit (Mb)
17.1 Terabyte (TB) is equal to8000000 Megabit (Mb)
18.1 Tebibyte (TiB) is equal to8796093.02 Megabit (Mb)
19.1 Petabit (Pb) is equal to1000000000 Megabit (Mb)
20.1 Pebibit (Pibit) is equal to1125899906.84 Megabit (Mb)
21.1 Petabyte (PB) is equal to8000000000 Megabit (Mb)
22.1 Pebibyte (PiB) is equal to9007199254.74 Megabit (Mb)
23.1 Exabit (Eb) is equal to1000000000000 Megabit (Mb)
24.1 Exbibit (Eibit) is equal to1152921504606.8 Megabit (Mb)
25.1 Exabyte (EB) is equal to8000000000000 Megabit (Mb)
26.1 Exbibyte (EiB) is equal to9223372036854.8 Megabit (Mb)
27.1 Zettabit (Zb) is equal to1e+15 Megabit (Mb)
28.1 Zebibit (Zibit) is equal to1180591620717400 Megabit (Mb)
29.1 Zettabyte (ZB) is equal to8e+15 Megabit (Mb)
30.1 Zebibyte (ZiB) is equal to9444732965739300 Megabit (Mb)
31.1 Yottabit (Yb) is equal to1e+21 Megabit (Mb)
32.1 Yobibit (Yibit) is equal to12089258196146e+5 Megabit (Mb)
33.1 Yottabyte (YB) is equal to8e+21 Megabit (Mb)
34.1 Yobibyte (YiB) is equal to9671406556917e+6 Megabit (Mb)

Conversion of 1 Megabit into some common data-storage units

Following list shows the values of data units in 1 megabit:

S. No.1 MegabitData units
1.1 Mb is equal to1000000 bits
2.1 Mb is equal to125000 bytes
3.1 Mb is equal to1000 Kilobit (Kb)
4.1 Mb is equal to976.5625 Kibibit (Kibit)
5.1 Mb is equal to125 Kilobyte (KB)
6.1 Mb is equal to122.07 Kibibyte (KiB)
7.1 Mb is equal to1 Megabit (Mb)
8.1 Mb is equal to0.95367431640625 Mebibit (Mibit)
9.1 Mb is equal to0.125 Megabyte (MB)
10.1 Mb is equal to0.11920928955078 Mebibyte (MiB)
11.1 Mb is equal to0.001 Gigabit (Gb)
12.1 Mb is equal to0.00093132257461548 Gibibit (Gibit)
13.1 Mb is equal to0.000125 Gigabyte (GB)
14.1 Mb is equal to0.00011641532182693 Gibibyte (GiB)
15.1 Mb is equal to9.0949470177293e-7 Tebibit (Tibit)
16.1 Mb is equal to1e-9 Petabit (Pb)
17.1 Mb is equal to8.8817841970013e-10 Pebibit (Pibit)
18.1 Mb is equal to1.25e-10 Petabyte (PB)
19.1 Mb is equal to1.1102230246252e-10 Pebibyte (PiB)
20.1 Mb is equal to1e-13 exabit
21.1 Mb is equal to8.673617379884e-13 Exbibit (Eibit)
22.1 Mb is equal to1.25e-13 exabytes
23.1 Mb is equal to1.0842021724855e-13 Exbibyte (EiB)

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