multimap::emplace_hint() Function in C++ STL

As we all know, the C++ programming language has many in-built functions to help us avoid writing long lines of code. One such function is the multimap find function available in the rich library of C++ programming language, the Standard Template Library(STL). It will help us return an iterator that refers to or points to the position of the key containing the data traversal in the long or small multimap we have created. The multimap emplaces find very fast than the multimap emplace. It inserts the key elements with a hint, and the lead doesn't affect the position to be entered.

Multimap in C++ Code


The multimap gquiz1 is : 
	1	40
	2	30
	3	60
	6	50
	6	10

Multimap quiz1 after adding the extra elements is : 
	key	element
	1	40
	2	30
	3	60
	4	50
	5	10
	6	50
	6	10

The multimap gquiz2 after assign from gquiz1 is : 
	1	40
	2	30
	3	60
	4	50
	5	10
	6	50
	6	10

multimap::emplace_hint() Function in C++ STL


C++ Code


The multimap is : 
12	230
14	440
17	150
31	540
32	620
42	960

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