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MySQL is Not Recognized as an Internal or External Command

What is MySQL? What are the special features of MySQL?

Relational databases are managed with SQL by MySQL, an Open-Source RDBMS. It was launched in 1994 and eventually purchased by Oracle and Sun Microsystems. More than 5,000 companies prefer it for their information management system choice since it offers premium services for customers at no extra cost.

Features are:

  • Easy to access
    Since MySQL is open-source, any person can download, use, and modify the software. It can be easy to use and provided free of cost. MySQL's source code can be accessed for study and customization according to needs. It makes use of the GPL, or GNU General Public License, which provides restrictions for what is permissible and not permissible with the program.
  • Rapid and Trustworthy
    MySQL effectively saves information in memory to ensure consistency and prevent duplication. MySQL enables rapid access to and manipulation of data.
  • Adaptable
    The capacity of a system to work well with large or small groups of machines and other types of data is referred to as scalability. The MySQL server was created for handling big databases.
  • Data Formats
    Numerous data types are supported, including float (FLOAT), double (DOUBLE), character (CHAR), variable character (VARCHAR), text, date, time, datetime, timestamp, year, signed and unsigned integers, and many more.
  • Character Groups
    It is compatible with other character sets, such as German, Ujis, Latin 1 (cp1252 character encoding), other Unicode character sets, and so forth.
  • Be protected
    As a result of its customizable password system that verifies the password according to the host before allowing access to the database, it offers a safe interface. When the password is being connected to the server, it is encrypted.
  • support with big databases
    Large databases, with up to 5,000,000,000 rows, 150,000-200,000 tables, and 40-50 million records, are supported by this software.
  • Utilities and Customer Programs
    The MySQL server also includes a large number of utility and client apps. This covers both graphical and command-line applications, such as "MySQL Workbench" and "mysqladmin." Many languages are used to write MySQL client programs. Client libraries, or code included within modules, are available to clients with C bindings and can be built in either C or C++.

Sometimes, you may notice an error like this.

MySQL is Not Recognized as an Internal or External Command

Why does this error happen?

This error "MySQL is Not Recognized as an Internal or External Command" may happen for the following reasons:

  • No MySQL Installation
  • There is no MySQL Bin Directory in PATH
  • Inaccurate Configuration or Installation
  • Incorrect Command

Let us discuss each.

No MySQL Installation: The primary reason is that MySQL needs to be downloaded on the machine you are using. Only if MySQL has been set up will there be a program to run. MySQL must be downloaded through the official website to be installed.

There is no MySQL Bin Directory in PATH: Even if MySQL is installed, the operating system cannot know where the MySQL executable is kept. The MySQL executable frequently resides in a specified directory (C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server X.X\bin on Windows, /usr/local/mysql/bin on macOS and Linux, etc.). If this directory is not included in the environment's PATH variable, the system will not know where to find the MySQL executable when you run MySQL commands.

Inaccurate Configuration or Installation: The MySQL setup might not be working properly or might have been done incorrectly. Verify to ensure that the setup procedure went properly and that all necessary components are configured correctly.

Incorrect Command: Typographical errors in the command that you are trying to perform could also be the source of this problem. Make sure that the syntax and commands you're using?mysql, for example?are correct; don't misspell it as "mySQL" or enter the incorrect arguments.

How to solve this error?

Follow the below steps to solve the error "MySQL is Not Recognized as an Internal or External Command."

Step 1: Open the System Properties

Step 2: Add the System Variables

Step 3: Add MySQL.exe File path


Step 1: Open the System Properties

  • Select the Start menu first.
  • Next, look for the variables related to the environment.
  • Click Environment Variables after that.
  • You will see a drop-down like this.
MySQL is Not Recognized as an Internal or External Command

Step 2: Add the System variables

The System or User variables can have the MySQL file path added to them.

  • System Variables: Different system users can access MySQL via a command-line interface by adding a route to the system variables.
  • User Variables: When the path has been set for the current user, they are the only ones who can run MySQL from the command line.
MySQL is Not Recognized as an Internal or External Command

Step 3: Add MySQL.exe File Path

  • Something in my Xampp environment variable isn't working right.
  • The file mysql.exe might exist somewhere else.
  • It must be situated and added to the path that the environment variable specifies, as demonstrated below:
MySQL is Not Recognized as an Internal or External Command

In this particular case, the directory C:\xampp\mysql\bin contains the file mysql.exe.

In light of this, I'm introducing this path:

MySQL is Not Recognized as an Internal or External Command

You are done.

You can use the following command to get confirmation if necessary.

MySQL is Not Recognized as an Internal or External Command
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