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MySQL Not Starting in Xampp


With its common abbreviation name of XAMPP, it stands for Cross-Platform, Apache, MariaDB/MySQL, PHP, & Perl, and has become a highly popular Open Source web server solution. This is an integrated package that assists in setting up and running a web app's development-local setup. Apache Friends developed XAMPP as a platform-independent application and hence allows easy execution of the server under different computer operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and macOS.

At its core, XAMPP integrates several key components that are essential for web development:

Apache Web Server:

  • One of these programs is Apache HTTP Server, which acts as a web server when it comes to handling http requests and loading of web content for XAMPP. The modularity of the Apache code allows for extensions via additional modules by developers.

MariaDB/MySQL Database:

  • The inclusion of MariaDB or MySQL makes XAMPP indispensable in the field of web development as it provides essential database management services that enhance dynamic webpage application capabilities through data storage and retrieval.


  • PHP is one of the languages used for web development that XAMPP supports. With this technology, programmers can include dynamic content into the HTML page, thereby allowing for functional websites to have enhanced features.


  • It includes Perl, another high-level programming language. Perl, while not as common anymore with regard to modern website development, is still of considerable importance in a couple of aspects, especially with regard to scripting and automation.


  • XAMPP includes phpMyAdmin, which is an interface that facilitates database management tasks on websites that utilize MySQL or MariaDB. PhpMyAdmin allows one to perform a number of operations like database creation, management, and issuance of SQL queries.

The fact that XAMPP is user-friendly and all-in-one makes it very convenient to use by developers looking to quickly and seamlessly set up a local server environment in which they can test their web apps before putting them for real deployment on a live server.

Importance of MySQL in Xampp

In the local development environment, MySQL is a vital part of XAMP. It functions as the default RDBMS.

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS):

  • XAMPP mainly uses MySQL as its major relational database management system, providing an orderly means of saving data. For example, in a relation database, the system organizes the information into multiple tables that already have established relationships. Such structure ensures data integrity and enables users to retrieve information quickly.

Data Storage and Retrieval:

  • Web applications mainly rely on MySQL's key function of storing and retrieving data. Developers build MySQL databases in a local development environment created by XAMPP so that they can experiment with the data-relevant functions of their apps prior to their actual deployment.

Seamless Integration with Web Applications:

  • MySQL works well with the rest of XAMPP, especially with PHP, the server-side scripting language. Because of this, a developer can write scripts in PHP that will interact with their MySQL database, for example, allowing user logins, managing content, and generating dynamic pages.

phpMyAdmin Interface:

  • Phpmyadmin is an additional administration tool that makes it quite easy for one to manage XAMPP. For instance, phpMyAdmin allows for such things as the creation/deletion of databases, management of tables, execution of SQL queries, and monitoring of database structure through a user-friendly graphical environment.

Efficient Data Handling for Web Development:

  • This is why MySQL is so important to the web development process. Developers use SQL commands to create, edit, or modify the data until the application is working correctly before sending it to any live server environment.

Scalability and Performance:

  • The scalability of MySQL makes it appropriate for small-scale projects as well as enterprise-level applications. With regards to XAMPP, developers need to optimize MySQL databases in order to enhance performance and be ready for probable growth and larger data management needs.

Common Causes of MySQL Not Starting in Xampp

Insufficient System Resources:

  • Explanation:Poor system resources like deficient memory or limited CPU capacity make it impossible for MySQL to boot. There should be enough resources for all required components of XAMPP's services; there must be no insufficiency since failure of these services is possible.

Configuration File Errors:

  • Explanation:Starting issues can occur as a result of errors in the MySQL configuration file (My.ini). Various problems, such as incorrect parameters or wrong text syntax, may occur within this file, preventing MySQL from being properly initialized. The configuration file must be assessed carefully with appropriate amendments.

Incorrect MySQL Service Status:

  • Explanation:MySQL operates as a Windows service to be run under XAMPP. It can also shut down an instance of MySQL if the MySQL service is not configured to start automatically once a computer is turned on or the MySQL service is just being terminated by hand. It then becomes important to confirm and readjust the service position.

Incomplete XAMPP Installation:

  • Explanation:The incomplete or corrupt XAMPP installations may cause problems at the time of the MySQL startup process. This process can be disrupted due to missing or damaged files. This problem can be solved by removing and re-installing XAMPP.

Incompatible XAMPP and MySQL Versions:

  • Explanation:The problem comes in when the installed version of MySQL fails to be compatible with that of XAMPP. It is important to make sure that the versions match in order to achieve a successful connection.

File and Folder Permissions:

  • Explanation:This means that inadequate privileges on mysqldatabase files and folders also restrict the startup of MySQL. There is a need to check and readjust the file and folder permissions, most importantly in the directory of XAMPP installations.

Corrupted MySQL Databases:

  • Explanation:Different factors, such as the abrupt termination of the system, cause corruption in MySQL databases. This may prevent MySQL from being able to start, as it may have corrupted databases. It may be necessary to repair or restore damaged databases.

Presence of Third-Party MySQL Installations:

  • Explanation:They can also arise in the case of other MySQL distributions on the same computer. If XAMPP finds that a different MySQL instance is using its standard port, it may fail to restart the MySQL server. It is important to ensure that only one MySQL instance can be active at a time.

Troubleshooting Steps

Port Conflict Issues:

Problem: The other case would involve accessing the standard MySQL port (443).


  • Open XAMPP Control Panel.
  • Choose MySQL and click Config next to it.
  • Replace "Main Port" with a free one (for example, 3307).
  • Make the necessary modifications, and reboot MySQL.

Insufficient System Resources:

Problem: Low memory or CPU constraints.


  • Free up the system resources by closing unneeded programs.
  • Add additional memory to your system or give more power to XAMPP at system settings.

Configuration File Errors:

Problem: There are also errors in the MySQL configuration file (my.ini).


  • Locate and open the "my.ini" file in the "xampp/\mysql /bin" folder.
  • Syntax correction should be done to avoid syntax errors.
  • Make sure to verify essential settings such as port numbers and directories' locations.

Presence of Antivirus or Firewall Blocking:

Problem: Security software blocking MySQL activities.


  • Temporarily turn off antivirus/firewall.
  • Include MySQL processes or the XAMPP folder in security software exclusions.

Incorrect MySQL Service Status:

Problem: MySQL service not started automatically or stopped manually.


  • Open XAMPP Control Panel.
  • Select "service" under MySQL.
  • Change the service type "Manual" to "Automatic" and start the service.

Incomplete XAMPP Installation:

Problem: Incomplete or corrupted XAMPP installation.


  • Uninstall XAMPP completely.
  • Perform a thorough and fresh install of the currently available version of XAMPP.

Incompatible XAMPP and MySQL Versions:

Problem: XAMPP and MySQL versions cannot be mixed.


  • See the compatibility matrix at
  • To upgrade/downgrade XAMPP or MySQL to a conforming version.

File and Folder Permissions:

Problem: Permissions need to be improved for MySQL files and folders.


  • Go to properties of the xampp installation directory.
  • Go to the "Security" tab to make sure that you have set appropriate permissions on MySQL files and folders.

Corrupted MySQL Databases:

Problem: Corruption in MySQL databases.


  • We can restore or repair corrupted databases through the MySQL command-line tool or any other popular GUIs such as phpMyAdmin.

Fixing Port Conflicts

Port conflicts should particularly be remedied for efficient MySQL in XAMPP. It usually occurs when one of the applications uses the default MySQL port number (3306) and interferes with the initial launching of MySQL.

Identifying Port Conflicts:

  • Open the XAMPP Control Panel.
  • At "MySQL," press or click it, then select "Config."
  • Check the "Main Port" setting. The default is 3306.
  • Conflict arises, though, when another system is utilizing the same port.

Changing MySQL Port in XAMPP:

  • Start the MySQL service if it's running on the XAMPP Control Panel.
  • In order to access this file, click "Config" next to MySQL.
  • Open the my.ini file and search for a line indicating the port number (e.g., port=3306).
  • We can change the port number into a free one (for example, port=3307).
  • Finally, save the edit and then close the config file.

Restarting MySQL:

  • Come back to the XAMPP control panel.
  • Start the MySQL service.
  • Adjusting System Resources for MySQL

Close Unnecessary Applications:

  • Close any open application that is not actively used by the computer system to create free space.
  • To locate intensive processes, open Ctrl + Shift + Esc or Task Manager in Windows.

Allocate Sufficient RAM:

  • Maximize on-board memory if possible.
  • Right-click on "computer" and go to settings under the performance option in Windows.
  • Navigate to the performance options window, then to the advanced tab, and set the virtual memory options.

Optimize MySQL Configuration for Memory Usage:

  • Open your my.ini file in the "xampp\mysql\bin" folder.
  • Set innodb_buffer_pool_size and key_buffer_size according to a reasonable amount of available RAM for MySQL.
  • Ensure you do not oversubscribe on the system memory.

Monitor Resource Usage:

  • Use monitoring tools to check their resources' behavior over some time.
  • Assess the resource usage implications of MySQL when starting up and in running mode.

Restart MySQL:

  • Restart your MySQL service through the XAMPP Control Panel after the adjustment has been made.

Editing MySQL Configuration Files

Locating MySQL Configuration File in XAMPP:

  • ini is the main MySQL configuration file, for example.
  • That file can be located from 'xampp/mysql/bin'.

Syntax Errors:

  • Syntax check of my.ini file.
  • Make sure every config directive is neatly configured.

Incorrect Port Configuration:

  • Ensure that the port selected on the my.ini file agrees with the setting of the port in the XAMPP Control Panel.

Inconsistent Path Definitions:

  • Ensure that file paths, logpaths, and binpaths are properly assigned.
  • Always use absolute paths or make sure your relative paths are correct.

Making Necessary Adjustments:

  • Open my.ini for Editing:
  • Open my.ini file using a text editor (e.g., Notepad).

Adjusting Port Settings:

  • Find the port directive's line (i.e., port=3306) there.
  • Make sure to change the port (if it gets into conflict with another application).

Optimizing Memory Settings:

  • Change innodb_buffer_pool_size and key_buffer_size to adjust them for the current system resources.

Reviewing Logging Settings:

  • Troubleshoot, check settings, and correct faults in the log settings.
  • Adjust log file paths and levels where necessary.

Examining Other Configuration Parameters:

  • Revise other parameters according to specified conditions as well as established problems.

Saving Changes:

  • Upon doing those changes, rename your my.ini file.

Restart MySQL:

  • Stop and start the MySQL service in the XAMPP Control Panel to apply the changes.

Addressing Antivirus/Firewall Issues

Temporarily Disabling Antivirus/Firewall:

  • In case MySQL does not start, turn off the antivirus and firewall to see if it is causing this problem.
  • Turn off the firewall, open antivirus software, and locate a temporary switch on the antivirus protection function.
  • Begin MySQL in XAMPP off firewall/antivirus.

Identify MySQL Executables:

  • Identify mysqld.exe, mysql.exe, or any other executable files belonging to MySQL within XAMPP. They can be found most of the time in the "xampp/mysql/bin directory".

Add Exceptions in Antivirus Software:

  • Activate your antivirus and go into its settings or firewall.
  • Exclude the MySQL executable processes from the script. By this, it means declaring these files safe to operate without hindrance.

Windows Firewall Exception:

  • For Windows firewall users, follow the instructions; "Control Panel">" System and Security">" Windows Defender Firewall'>" Allow a program or feature through Windows Defender firewall."
  • Restart the MySQL service in the "XAMPP Control Panel" after you have included your exceptions.

Checking Security Software Logs:

  • Look at the records or logs of your antivirus and firewalls and see if some activity in relation to MySQL was blocked.
  • The logs may contain information regarding the blocked file/process during an activity.

Enabling Antivirus/Firewall:

  • Confirm that your server works with MySQL once you disable Antivirus/Firewall temporarily or add exceptions.

Reinstalling Xampp and MySQL

Uninstalling XAMPP and MySQL:

Backup Databases:

  • Backup every database or file that you wish to retain before uninstalling.

Xampp Uninstallation:

  • Click on "control panel" and stop all services of Xampp.
  • Go to the directory of the Xampp installation and run the uninstaller.
  • To uninstall Xampp, follow the on-screen prompts.

MySQL Uninstallation:

  • If you had an independent installation of MySQL, then remove using Control Panel or Programs and Features on Windows.
  • After that, go through the uninstallation wizard and ensure delete any related MySQL elements.

Clean Reinstall of XAMPP:

Download the Latest Version:

  • Download the current version of XAMPP from the authorized XAMPP site.


  • Click here to run the installer and follow its installation wizard.
  • Pick desired parts like MySQL.

Configure MySQL During Installation:

  • If this is the case, during the XAMPP installation, you will be asked whether you have installed MySQL or not.
  • Set up a MySQL root password and, if required, any other additional settings.

Complete the Installation:

Test XAMPP Installation:

  • Launch the XAMPP Control Panel and turn on both Apache and MySQL.
  • Make sure that the services boot up okay.

Configuring MySQL after Reinstallation:

Open MySQL Command Line:

  • Start an instance of the command prompt and navigate through the" xammp\mysql\bin".

Access MySQL Shell:

  • Using the command, mysql -u root -p, you may enter the MySQL shell.

Set Root Password:

If not set during installation, use the following command to set the MySQL root password:


Create Databases and Users:

  • Design any databases and users you may require for your applications.

Restore Data:

  • In case of database backup, restore the data to the newly installed SQL server.

Update Configuration Files:

  • Update the appropriate config files if you have any custom changes on the old install.

Examples of MySQL Not Starting in Xampp

Example 1: Port Conflict Issues

Issue: Another application involves accessing the default MySQL port (3306).



  • MySQL will not start if it finds another application using port 3306. Solve it by altering the port of my.ini and initiating MySQL to refresh in XAMMP.

Example 2: Insufficient System Resources

Issue: Low memory or CPU constraints.



  • More resources can help MySQL. Change the memory-related parameters in my.ini to assign enough memory.

Example 3: Editing MySQL Configuration Files

Issue: Startup problems due to inaccurate settings.



  • We can customize my.ini to change core settings. Likewise, you can optimize MySQL performance by changing the value of "key_buffer_size."

Example 4: Addressing Antivirus/Firewall Issues

Issue: Security software blocking MySQL.


  • By setting Exceptions for MySQL in the firewall settings, one can rest assured there is no interference with the MySQL Startup by the security software.

Example 5: Incorrect MySQL Service Status

Issue: MYSQL service set to manual or manually shut down.


Command to autostart mysql service (may differ depending on OS).


  • MySQL cannot be set up manually or be stopped and will not automatically start because of that. Set the service parameter to auto mode and run it.

Example 6: Incompatible XAMPP and MySQL Versions

Issue: Some versions of XAMPP and MySQL are incompatible


# A command is used to check the XAMPP as well as the MySQL version.


  • Ensure that you look through the compatibility matrix provided by the XAMPP web page. Ensure that XAMPP or MySQL is upgraded or downgraded accordingly for compatibility purposes.

Example 7: File and Folder Permissions

Issue: Permissions for mysql files/directories inadequate.



  • Confirm and modify MySQL access privileges under the Files and Folders tab.

Example 8: Third-Party installations of MySQL.

Issue: Another MySQL instance is active.


Stop other MySQL service commands (could be different depending on operating systems).


  • Run only one MySQL instance, as this will minimize any conflict that may arise with XAAMP.

Example 9: Incompatible Applications Using Port 3306

Issue: Other services are running on the default MySQL port 3306.



  • Locate and stop applications on port 2306 or change the MySQL port of XAMP configuration.


In Conclusion, the resolution of MySQL startup problems in XAMPP is systematic. It helps in troubleshooting various common issues such as port conflict, resource constraints, configuration errors, etc., and antivirus/firewall interference. Such techniques include revising system resources, modifying MySQL parameters, and sorting port inconsistencies.

When troubleshooting does not work out, it is advisable to go back to a clean reinstallation of XAMPP and MySQL, as this will reset everything back to a steady base that is suitable for local web development. In order to make MySQL work properly in the XAMPP environment, developers should follow all these steps carefully.

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