MySQL Restore DumpWhat is a MySQL Dump?The mysqldump client tool creates a collection of SQL statements that may be run to replicate the original table data and database object definitions after performing logical backups. It dumps one or more MySQL databases to back up or move to another SQL server. Moreover, the mysqldump command can produce output in XML, CSV, or another delimited text format. Why do we need to restore a MySQL dump?
What is the difference between logical and physical backups?A server-based copy of storage is called a database backup. Unplanned data loss is avoided using backups. It is simple to retrieve original data with the aid of a backup if it is lost. There are two types of database backup:
Physical Backup Databases are stored and recovered via physical file backups or physical database backups. Examples are various data files, control files, archived redo logs, and many more. Physical backup data is typically stored on a disc, magnetic tape, offline storage, or the cloud. Logical Backup Logical data that is taken from the database is contained in it. It has a table, function, procedure, and view. This is helpful when users wish to move a copy of the database to another location or restore it. When preventing data loss, logical backups are less secure than physical backups. It just offers structural specifics. Complete logical backups ought to be carried out once a week. The usage of logical backups enhances a physical backup.
How to create a MySQL dump using the 'mysqldump' command?For creating a MySQL dump, follow the steps.
1. Open a Command Prompt or Terminal First, open the Command Prompt or PowerShell on the Windows operating system. 2. Syntax 'mysqldump' Following is the basic syntax for the 'mysqldump.' 3. Running the 'mysqldump' Command Type the following command in the terminal. After you enter this, you will be prompted to enter the 'myuser.' 4. Verification There should not be any error messages displayed in the terminal when the dump procedure is finished. You can look up the dump file in the working directory (mydatabase_dump.sql in the case above). The SQL commands required to reconstruct the database and its contents should be included. How to restore a MySQL dump using the 'mysql' command?Restore the database:The parameters include: Thus, to restore the Sakila database, execute the following command. To check the result, run the following command Output Using mysqldump, restore every database in MySQL from the dump file:You can bulk restore all the server's databases with the mysqldump tool, not just one. To restore every MySQL database from a dump file, use the following syntax: In the above command, alldatabases.sql is the path of the dump file that houses a server-wide backup of every database. Using mysqldump, restore one table from the dump file:A particular MySQL table may occasionally need to be restored from the database because it was dropped or its contents were overwritten. Use the mysqldump command to create a backup copy of the working hours table from the Sakila database for demonstration purposes. The output file containing the table backup is called backup_working_hours_table.sql. After creating the backup, drop the working_hours table with the DROP TABLE statement. To check the result, run the following command Output Now, use the mysql command to restore the working hours table backup into the Sakila database: The table will be imported into the Sakila database: |