Functions | Description |
CONCAT_WS() | MySQL CONCAT_WS() function returns a string by concatenating arguments using separator. |
CONCAT() | The CONCAT() function returns a string by concatenating all the arguments. |
CHARACTER_LENGTH() | The CHARACTER_LENGTH() function returns the size of the specified string. |
ELT() | The ELT() function returns the Nth element from the list of string. |
EXPORT_SET() | The EXPORT_SET() function the returns string for each bit set. |
FIELD() | The FIELD() function returns the index of string. |
FIND_IN_SET() | The FIND_IN_SET() function returns the value of the string which is given in the first position in the argument. |
FORMAT() | The FORMAT() function formats the number X to round of D decimal place. |
FROM_BASE64() | The FROM_BASE64() function encodes the given string to binary format. |
HEX() | The HEX() function returns the specified number or string in a hexadecimal string. |
INSERT() | In INSERT() function, a string str is passed with a position 'pos' which tells at which position the character is to be placed, and 'len' length is the length of the character to be placed. |
INSTR() | The INSTR() function returns the 1st occurrence of substring substr in string str. |
LCASE() | The LCASE() function returns 1st occurrence of substring substr in string str. |
LEFT() | The LEFT() function returns left side 'len' characters from the given string 'str'. |
LENGTH() | The LENGTH() function returns the length of the specified string which is measured in bytes. |
LIKE() | The LIKE() function returns either 1 or 0 and is used for checking pattern matching. |
LOAD_FILE() | The LOAD_FILE() function returns the content of the file. |
LOCATE() | The LOCATE() function returns the first occurrence of given 'substr' in the given string. |
LOWER() | The LOWER() function returns the given string in lower case. |
LPAD() | The LPAD() function returns string 'str' which is left-padded to the given length. |
LTRIM() | The LTRIM() function returns string by removing leading space. |
MAKE_SET() | The MAKE_SET() function returns values from the set for the given bit. |
MID() | The MID() function extracts a substring from a string and returns a string with given length and position. |
OCTET_LENGTH() | The OCTET_LENGTH() function returns length of given string. |
OCT() | The OCT() function returns length of given string. |
ORD() | The ORD() function returns the code for the leftmost character if that character is a multi-byte. |
POSITION() | The POSITION() function returns the position of the given substring in a string. |
QUOTE() | The QUOTE() function returns the string which is passed in a single quote. |
REPEAT() | The REPEAT() function repeats a string for a specified number of times. |
REPLACE() | The REPLACE() function replaces all the occurrences of a substring within a string. |
REVERSE() | The REVERSE() function reverses a string supplied as an argument. |
RIGHT() | The RIGHT() function extracts a specified number of characters from the right side of a string. |
RPAD() | The MYSQL RPAD() function pads the specified strings from the right. |
RTRIM() | The MYSQL RTRIM() function removes the trailing spaces from the specified string. |
SOUNDEX() | The MYSQL SOUNDEX() function returns the soundex string for the specified string. |