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What is MySQL? What are its features?

MySQL is the most widely used Open-Source SQL database management system. Oracle Corporation creates, distributes, and provides support for MySQL.

MySQL is a database management system.

  • A collection of structured data is called a database, ranging from simple lists to corporate networks. To access, process, and add data, a database management system like MySQL Server is required.
  • Databases are essential in computing, serving as standalone utilities or part of other applications due to their ability to handle large amounts of data.

MySQL Database is Relational.

  • A relational database stores data in separate tables, offering a flexible programming environment. It enforces rules governing data relationships to prevent inconsistent, duplicate, orphaned, out-of-date, or missing data, using SQL as the most common standardized language.

MySQL software is open-source.

  • Open-source software like MySQL is free to use and modify, while commercially licensed versions can be purchased for commercial applications or if the GPL is uncomfortable.

A large amount of contributed MySQL software is available.

  • MySQL Server is a user-friendly application that is compatible with your laptop or desktop.

MySQL HeatWave.

  • MySQL HeatWave is a managed database service that integrates transactions, real-time analytics, and machine learning into one database, eliminating complexity, latency, risks, and costs associated with ETL duplication.

What is a URL?

URL Stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It is the digital address of a web address, and it is also unique. A web address consists of a web page, image, video, or file. Followings are the components of a URL.

  • Protocol: It is the set of rules defined for the web address.
  • Domain: It is the hostname of the web server's address.
  • Port: This is an optional component.
  • Path: It is used to define the location of the web address.
  • Query: It is used to pass parameters.
  • Fragment: It is used to anchor within the resources.

What are the Advantages of URLs?

  • URL makes it easy to navigate between websites and other online resources.
  • Someone can easily share the link or URL through any other social media.
  • Using Bookmark helps us to access quickly by the URL.
  • SEO optimization depends on URLs.

What are the Disadvantages of URLs?

  • Long URLs can be complicated.
  • URLs are highly case-sensitive; if someone makes a small change, it can lead to an error like "Page not Found".
  • URL contains important information or tokens.

How do you make a shortened URL?

URLs can be of different types, such as the URL of a website, the URL of a Google Doc, the URL of a Google Form, etc.

In a website, you can select the URL from the address bar of that specific website. For a Google Doc, one can select the URL from the share button, and in the case of Google Forms, the URL can be found after creating the form when you click on the send option.

There are some websites named,, and that are used to shorten the URL.

Click on the below link to shorten your URL.

You can choose anyone.

  • If you choose, go to the site, paste your long and complicated URL, and click on "Make TinyURL!". After a while, your shortened URL will appear.
  • If you choose, go to the site and click on Create New. In the Destination field, paste your long URL. For the portion of URL you want to share, paste the portion in the Custom Back-half Field, and next click on the Create button, and you are done. Your Shortened URL will appear.
  • If you choose, go to the sight, paste the end of the URL that you want to share, and click on the "Shorten" button. Done, your URL is ready to share.

Advantage- This service is ideal for creating links quickly by automatically converting long URLs into smaller ones. It doesn't care about the number of clicks or the source of the link. Users can customize the end of their URLs for a more trustworthy appearance using URL shorteners like

Disadvantage- URL shorteners can be ineffective, often appearing as spam or lacking trust. They lack customization click tracking and can hinder access to RSS feeds and spreadsheets. It's crucial to choose a reliable and trustworthy option for URL shortening.

How to find MySQL URLs?

You can easily find the MySQL URL in the MySQL configuration files.

In the case of MySQL, the URL components are

  • URL: This defines MySQL Server's address. A typical URL looks like jdbc:mysql://hostname:port/database
  • [where hostname is the IP address of the server, the port is the port number].
  • Host: Hostname defines the IP address of the MySQL server.
  • Port: This is the port number of the MySQL server. The default port number is 3306.
  • Username: This defines the username that we will connect to the MySQL server.

One can use the MySQL command line to connect to the server.

This command will help to display the hostname, port number, and username.

Alternative Command

How do you establish a connection?

Establish a connection with the desired data source, such as a DBMS or legacy file system, using a JDBC driver and one of two classes.


Basically, it is a class in Java that is used to establish database connections with the help of JDBC drivers.

Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:database://hostname:port/databaseName", "username", "password");

Pros- This software offers simplicity and ease of use for basic database connections, making it suitable for small-scale or standalone applications.


DataSource is a flexible database connection management system used in enterprise-level applications for improved performance and efficiency through connection pooling.

DataSource dataSource = new MyDataSource(); // Implementation specific

Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();

Pros- This software enhances performance by pooling connections, making it suitable for large-scale or enterprise-level applications, improving connection management, and optimizing resources.

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