Numpy Array CreationThe ndarray object can be constructed by using the following routines. Numpy.emptyAs the name specifies, The empty routine is used to create an uninitialized array of specified shape and data type. The syntax is given below. It accepts the following parameters.
ExampleOutput: [[ 140482883954664 36917984] [ 140482883954648 140482883954648] [6497921830368665435 172026472699604272]] NumPy.ZerosThis routine is used to create the numpy array with the specified shape where each numpy array item is initialized to 0. The syntax is given below. It accepts the following parameters.
ExampleOutput: [[0 0] [0 0] [0 0]] NumPy.onesThis routine is used to create the numpy array with the specified shape where each numpy array item is initialized to 1. The syntax to use this module is given below. It accepts the following parameters.
ExampleOutput: [[1 1] [1 1] [1 1]] Next TopicNumpy array from existing data |