Oracle String Function

The Oracle String functions manipulate the character strings more effectively.

The following table indicates each of the functions with a brief description:

ASCII()The ASCII() function returns the numeric value of given character.
ASCIISTR()The ASCIISTR() function returns the numeric value of given character.
CHR()The Oracle CHR() function returns all the characters of the given ASCII code.
COMPOSE()The Oracle COMPOSE() function returns the Unicode string.
CONCAT()The Oracle CONCAT() function returns a string by concatenating all the arguments.
CONCAT WITH ||The Oracle CONCAT WITH || function returns a string by concatenating all the arguments.
CONVERT()The Oracle CONVERT() function is used to convert one string set to another.
DECOMPOSE()The DECOMPOSE() function returns a Unicode string from the given string.
DUMP()The DUMP() function returns the string datatype code, length in bytes and some internal representation of the given string.
INSTR4()The Oracle INSTR4() function returns the location of the substring using UCS4 code points from the given string.
INSTRB()The Oracle INSTRB() function returns the location of substring using bytes instead of characters from the given string.
INSTRC()The INSTRC() function returns the location of the substring using Unicode complete characters from the given string.
LENGTH2()The LENGTH2() function returns the size using UCS2 code points of the given string.
LENGTH4()The Oracle LENGTH4() function returns the size using UCS4 code points of the given string.
LENGTHB()The LENGTHB() function returns the size using bytes instead of characters from the given string.
LENGTHC()The LENGTHC() function returns the size using Unicode complete characters from the given string.
LENGTH()The Oracle LENGTH() function returns the size of the given string.
LOWER()The Oracle LOWER() function returns the given string into the lower case.
LPAD()The LPAD() returns the left padded to the given length.
LTRIM()The LTRIM() function returns the string by removing given characters from the left side.
NCHR()The NCHR() function returns the character which is based on the number_code in the national character set.
REGEXP_INSTR()The Oracle REGEXP_INSTR() function is used for pattern matching in a string.
REGEXP_REPLACE()The REGEXP_REPLACE() function is used for pattern matching and replacing the sequence of characters.
REGEXP_SUBSTR()The REGEXP_SUBSTR()function is used for pattern matching in substring from a string.
REPLACE()The Oracle REPLACE() function is used to replace the sequence of character with another character in the given string.
RPAD()The RPAD() function returns the right-padded to the given length.
RTRIM()The Oracle RTRIM() function returns the string by removing given characters from the right side.
SOUNDEX()The SOUNDEX() function returns a Soundex string which sounds almost same and have identical soundex strings.
SUBSTR()The Oracle SUBSTR() function is used to extract the substring from the given string.
TRANSLATE()The TRANSLATE() function is used to replace the character from the given character. This function replaces one character only.
TRIM()The Oracle TRIM() function is used to remove the specified character from the head of the string or tail of the string.
UPPER()The Upper() function is used to convert the given string into uppercase.
VSIZE()The Oracle VSIZE() function returns the number of bytes of the given expression.

Example 1


Oracle string Function

Example 2


Oracle string Function

Example 3


Oracle string Function
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