Functions | Description |
ASCII() | The ASCII() function returns the numeric value of given character. |
ASCIISTR() | The ASCIISTR() function returns the numeric value of given character. |
CHR() | The Oracle CHR() function returns all the characters of the given ASCII code. |
COMPOSE() | The Oracle COMPOSE() function returns the Unicode string. |
CONCAT() | The Oracle CONCAT() function returns a string by concatenating all the arguments. |
CONCAT WITH || | The Oracle CONCAT WITH || function returns a string by concatenating all the arguments. |
CONVERT() | The Oracle CONVERT() function is used to convert one string set to another. |
DECOMPOSE() | The DECOMPOSE() function returns a Unicode string from the given string. |
DUMP() | The DUMP() function returns the string datatype code, length in bytes and some internal representation of the given string. |
INSTR4() | The Oracle INSTR4() function returns the location of the substring using UCS4 code points from the given string. |
INSTRB() | The Oracle INSTRB() function returns the location of substring using bytes instead of characters from the given string. |
INSTRC() | The INSTRC() function returns the location of the substring using Unicode complete characters from the given string. |
LENGTH2() | The LENGTH2() function returns the size using UCS2 code points of the given string. |
LENGTH4() | The Oracle LENGTH4() function returns the size using UCS4 code points of the given string. |
LENGTHB() | The LENGTHB() function returns the size using bytes instead of characters from the given string. |
LENGTHC() | The LENGTHC() function returns the size using Unicode complete characters from the given string. |
LENGTH() | The Oracle LENGTH() function returns the size of the given string. |
LOWER() | The Oracle LOWER() function returns the given string into the lower case. |
LPAD() | The LPAD() returns the left padded to the given length. |
LTRIM() | The LTRIM() function returns the string by removing given characters from the left side. |
NCHR() | The NCHR() function returns the character which is based on the number_code in the national character set. |
REGEXP_INSTR() | The Oracle REGEXP_INSTR() function is used for pattern matching in a string. |
REGEXP_REPLACE() | The REGEXP_REPLACE() function is used for pattern matching and replacing the sequence of characters. |
REGEXP_SUBSTR() | The REGEXP_SUBSTR()function is used for pattern matching in substring from a string. |
REPLACE() | The Oracle REPLACE() function is used to replace the sequence of character with another character in the given string. |
RPAD() | The RPAD() function returns the right-padded to the given length. |
RTRIM() | The Oracle RTRIM() function returns the string by removing given characters from the right side. |
SOUNDEX() | The SOUNDEX() function returns a Soundex string which sounds almost same and have identical soundex strings. |
SUBSTR() | The Oracle SUBSTR() function is used to extract the substring from the given string. |
TRANSLATE() | The TRANSLATE() function is used to replace the character from the given character. This function replaces one character only. |
TRIM() | The Oracle TRIM() function is used to remove the specified character from the head of the string or tail of the string. |
UPPER() | The Upper() function is used to convert the given string into uppercase. |
VSIZE() | The Oracle VSIZE() function returns the number of bytes of the given expression. |