JavaScript DataView

The DataView provides a low-level interface for reading and writing multiple number types in an ArrayBuffer.

Let's see the list of JavaScript DataView method with their description.

DataView.getFloat32()The JavaScript DataView.getFloat32() method is used to get 32-bit float number at a specified location.
DataView.getFloat64()The JavaScript DataView.getFloat64() method is used to get 64-bit float(double) number at a specified location.
DataView.getInt16()The JavaScript DataView.getInt16() method is used to gets a signed 16-bit integer(short) number at a specified location.
Dataview.getInt32()The JavaScript DataView.getInt32() method is used to gets a signed 32-bit integer(long) number at a specified location.
DataView.getInt8()The JavaScript DataView.getInt8() method is used to gets a signed 8-bit integer(byte) number at a specified location.
DataView.getUint16()The JavaScript DataView.getUint16() method is used to gets a unsigned 16-bit integer(unsigned short) number at a specified location.
DataView.getUint32()The JavaScript DataView.getUint32() method is used to gets a unsigned 32-bit integer(unsigned long) number at a specified location.
DataView.getUint8()The JavaScript DataView.getUint8() method is used to gets a unsigned 8-bit integer(unsigned byte) number at a specified location.

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