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PHP array_diff_uassoc() function

This function is inbuilt in PHP and it was introduced in PHP 5. The function array_diff_uassoc() is used to compute the difference of arrays with additional index check which is performed by a user supplied callback function.

In simple words, the function compares array1 against array2 and returns the difference.


Parameter Description Is compulsory
array1 The array to compare from compulsory
array2 An array to compare against compulsory
array3 More arrays to compare against Optional
User defined function The specified callback function. The function returns an integer less than, equal to or greater than zero. compulsory

Important note: This function uses a user-defined function to compare the keys.

Return Type

This function returns an array containing the entries from array1 that are not present in any of the other ways.

Example 1


Array(  [10] => sid [20] => raj )

Example 2


Array ( [b] => brown [c] => blue [0] => red )

Example 3


Array (  [c] => orange )

Example 4


Array (  [b] => brown [c] => blue [0] => red )

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