Program to print the following pattern (pascal triangle)

Program to print the following pattern (pascal triangle)


  1. Start
  2. Let i be an integer number.
  3. Let j be an integer number.
  4. Let row be an integer number and initialize by 6.
  5. Let coe be an integer number and initialize by 0.
  6. Repeat step 7 to 14 until all value parsed.
  7. Set i = 0 and check I <= row;
  8. Set j = 1 and check j <= row-i;
  9. Print space.
  10. check if j==0 || i==0
  11. set coe = 1;
  12. Else
  13. Set coe = coe * (i+j-1)/j;
  14. Print coe.
  15. End



C program

C# program

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