React Native AnimationReact Native Animations provide an extra effect and great user experience in the app. Animations convey physically believable motion in your interface. There are two types of complementary animation systems in React Native. These are:
Animated exports four different animated components as View, Text, Image and ScrollView. We can also create our own animated component using Animated.createAnimatedComponent(). Animated Methods
React Native Animation Example 1 (Animated.timing())In this example, we will create a spinning animation on image using Animated.timing(). App.js The interpolate() method call any Animated.Value. It interpolates the value before updating the property. In above example, we map 0 (zero) degrees to 360 degrees. We pass an inputRange [0,1] and get the outputRange['0deg', '360deg'] array. Output: React Native Animation Example 2 (Animated.timing())In this example, we declare a single animated value this.aninatedValue and use it with interpolate to create multiple animations, such as: marginLeft, opacity, fontSize, and rotate. We will interpolate these properties for styling such as opacity, margins, text sizes, and rotation properties. App.js Output: LayoutAnimation APILayoutAnimation allow to globally configure, create, and update animations. This will be used for all views in the next render/layout cycle. The LayoutAnimation is quite useful, it has much less control than Animated and other animation libraries. To use this API in Android we need to set the following flags via UIManager: React Native LayoutAnimation ExampleIn this example, we create a TouchableOpacity and a View component. On pressing the TouchableOpacity component calls the _onPress() method and it animates the View component by increases width and height of View by 15 unit. Output:
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