Index | Command | Description |
1 | BGREWRITEAOF | This command is used to asynchronously rewrite the append-only file. |
2 | BGSAVE | This command is used to asynchronously save the dataset to the disk. |
3 | CLIENT KILL [ip:port] [ID client-id] | This command is used to kill the connection of a client. |
4 | CLIENT LIST | This command is used to get the list of client connections to the server. |
5 | CLIENT GETNAME | This command is used to get the name of the current connection. |
6 | CLIENT PAUSE timeout | This command is used to stop processing commands from the clients for a specified time. |
7 | CLIENT SETNAME connection-name | This command is used to set the current connection name. |
8 | CLUSTER SLOTS | This command is used to get an array of Cluster slot to node mappings. |
9 | COMMAND | This command is used to get an array of Redis command details. |
10 | COMMAND COUNT | This command is used to get total number of Redis commands. |
11 | COMMAND GETKEYS | This command is used to extract the keys given a full Redis command. |
12 | BGSAVE | This command is used to asynchronously save the dataset to the disk. |
13 | COMMAND INFO command-name [command-name ...] | This command is used to get an array of specific Redis command details. |
14 | CONFIG GET parameter | This command is used to get the value of a configuration parameter. |
15 | CONFIG REWRITE | This command is used to rewrite the configuration file with the in-memory configuration. |
16 | CONFIG SET parameter value | This command is used to get a configuration parameter to the given value. |
17 | CONFIG RESETSTAT | This command is used to reset the stats returned by INFO. |
18 | DBSIZE | This command is used to return the number of keys in the selected database. |
19 | DEBUG OBJECT key | This command is used to get debugging information about a key. |
20 | DEBUG SEGFAULT | This command is used to make the server crash. |
21 | FLUSHALL | This command is used to remove all the keys from all databases. |
22 | FLUSHDB | This command is used to remove all the keys from the current database. |
23 | INFO [section] | This command is used to get information and statistics about the server. |
24 | LASTSAVE | This command is used to retrieve the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to the disk. |
25 | MONITOR | This command is used to listen for all the requests received by the server in real time. |
26 | ROLE | This command is used to return the role of the instance in the context of replication. |
27 | SAVE | This command is used to synchronously saves the dataset to the disk. |
28 | SHUTDOWN [NOSAVE] [SAVE] | This command is used to synchronously saves the dataset to the disk and then shuts down the server . |
29 | SLAVEOF host port | This command is used to make the server a slave of another instance, or promotes it as a master . |
30 | SLOWLOG subcommand [argument] | This command is used to manage the Redis slow queries log. |
31 | SYNC | This command is used for replication. |
32 | TIME | This command is used to return the current server time. |