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Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a powerful marketing platform that provides multiple tools to manage marketing strategies and campaigns with customers. It provides various digital marketing automation and analytics services for businesses.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Any company uses multiple marketing activities for advertising and growing its business. The marketing activities include Content management, content marketing, data analytics, content building, web personalization, customer influence, email, mobile, social media activities, etc. The Marketing cloud service of salesforce provides one of the best digital marketing platforms to enhance any company's marketing strategies. It allows the organizations to send customized mass emails to various potential customers with just one click. It also helps to solve customer issues related to any product. Organizations can increase communication with any custom communities and connect to customers through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Benefits of Using the Marketing Cloud

There are various benefits of using the Salesforce Marketing cloud to grow the business efficiently. These benefits are given below:

  • Know the Customer
    With the salesforce marketing cloud, you can find the customer's unified view by connecting the data from multiple sources and devices. You will able to capture and active the first, second, and third-party data to understand the customers, and enhance the growth by reaching the new audience group.
  • Personalize with Intelligence
    The marketing cloud enables businesses to manage the data and interaction with AI and Einstein tools' power. It allows us to listen, interpret, and answer any customer query and provide personalized communication to each customer in a secure way.
  • Engage across the entire journey
    The Salesforce marketing cloud provides the two-way real-time engagement for transparency and awareness. It also provides the possible next best action for each customer.
  • Analyze the Impact
    The marketing cloud analyses the end-to-end effectiveness of marketing strategies across all the digital channels and devices, with AI and the digital tool Google Analytics 360.
  • Manage B2C or B2B
    Salesforce marketing cloud provides the one effective digital marketing platform for the business or consumer to unify the data source, personalize on each channel, and determine each campaign's performance.

Marketing Cloud Products

The Salesforce marketing cloud contains integrated, powerful marketing tools to develop a seamless experience across every customer touchpoint. These marketing products or tools are given below:

  1. Journey Builder
  2. Email Studio
  3. Audience Studio
  4. Mobile Studio
  5. Social Studio
  6. Advertising Studio
  7. Datorama
  8. Interaction Studio
  9. Data Studio
  10. Pardot

Let's explain each of the above products.

Journey Builder

With the journey builder tools, one can develop the 1-to-1 customer journeys through all the channels and departments. It allows us to create the journey across the email, mobile, advertising, and the web. It also delivers the all-in-one customer experience through marketing, sales, and service. The functions of Journey builder are given below:

  • It allows us to listen to Customer Queries and provide personalized guidance.
  • Connect to customers on the digital channels.
  • It automates the journey.
  • Analyze and evaluate the performance at each step.

Audience Builder

The Audience Builder tool allows us to create a single view of each customer using the information from any source such as a Sales cloud, service cloud, or any other data source. We can also filter the unnecessary data instantly to target the smart audience for our business. Different functionalities of the audience builder are given below:

  • It allows for creating a single view of the customers.
  • With this, complex data can be easily managed.
  • Segment the customers with drag & drop functionality.
  • It allows us to search for new opportunities using the dimension-based approach.
  • It uses predictive scores to engage customers.

Email Studio

The businesses can use the email studio tools to build personalized email campaigns using the world's number 1 email marketing platform.

It allows us to use the data from any organization department and compose the smarter mail to increase marketing capabilities.

It performs the following actions:

  • It targets the audience.
  • It allows you to create the best emails.
  • It automates the messages.

Audience Studio

The Audience studio, or formerly known as the DMP, helps the businesses to capture and activate the data from any data source on the powerful unified data management platform.

The audience studio performs the following actions:

  • It creates complete data profiles by combining all the sources to deliver a more personalized marketing experience.
  • It tries to discover new data and sources to find a new audience.
  • It maintains trusted relationships with customers.

Mobile Studio

The mobile studio allows the business to reach the customers on any device by personalizing the mobile interaction. It includes push notification, SMS, and group messaging. It allows us to engage the customers at every right moment based on location, event, and nearness.

It performs the following actions:

  • It creates and sends the target a compelling mobile message very quickly.
  • It allows us to send personalized messages based on customer preferences, behaviors, and engagements.
  • It enhances the app engagement by connecting the digital and physical world based on the customers' location.
  • It also helps in growing the audiences.

Social Studio

The social studio allows businesses to listen, publish, and engage the customers through social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, etc. It uses powerful social media marketing tools and unifies the marketing team with sales and services through various channels.

It performs various actions, which are given below:

  • It helps to understand and listen to what the customer, fans, and industry want and saying about the product.
  • It helps to engage the community by responding to the social posts, manage the community, and provide the best possible customer support.
  • It helps to create and approve the contents for various social media platforms.
  • It allows us to monitor the live display of social media marketing activities from one center.

Advertising Studio

The advertising studio integrates digital advertising with CRM and marketing data to develop personalized customer experience. It allows businesses to do 1-to-1 advertising using the CRM data to reach the customer anywhere. It performs the following actions:

  • It helps to use the customer data to display the advertisements on Google, Facebook securely.
  • It integrates the advertisements with the marketing, sales, and services.
  • Allow generating new leads by automating Facebook leads, optimizing the google search, creating the Facebook ad campaigns in journey builder, and connecting with Pardot and sales cloud.


With Datorama, a business can use a single platform for all the marketing data, investments, KPIs, and decisions. It helps to connect, evaluate, and take necessary actions on the data in a single marketing dashboard.

The Datorama performs the following actions:

  • It allows us to analyze the growth and outputs of each activity, investments, and goals.
  • Centralizes the data by creating a single source for marketing.
  • It helps to visualize the deeper insights from the data using AI.
  • It generates automated reporting to get revenue from marketing.
  • It also helps to connect the chat platform into the dashboard so that the teams and partners can collaborate easily.

Interaction Studio

The interaction studio helps the business track, visualize, and manage the customer experience with real-time interaction management. It helps to get the customer's crucial engagement at the right moment as per the customer preferences. It performs the following actions:

  • It allows us to connect with every interaction done by the customers.
  • Optimize the customer experience by forecasting the next conversations.
  • Provide immediate impacts to the customers by triggering the event and communicating in real-time with marketing, sales, and service teams.

Data Studio

Data Studio is the best solution to find the audience, data acquisitions, and data provision. It features the world's largest premium data ecosystem.

It performs the following actions:

  • It helps in finding the new high-quality audiences as per the business scale.
  • Increase the revenue by monetizing the data with complete transparency and security.
  • Controls and secure the data.


Pardot provides the complete suite of B2B marketing automation tools for the businesses, building effective connections, creating more pipelines, and increasing the leads. It performs the following actions:

  • It helps to automate marketing tasks.
  • It helps the business and sales team to generate more leads.
  • It helps to understand the Marketing ROI.

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