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Security testing tools

Security testing tools are used to make sure that the data is saved and not accessible by any unauthorized user. To protect our application data from the threats, we will use these tools. These tools help us to find the flaws and security leakage of the system in the earlier stage and fix it, and test whether the application has encoded security code or not and accessible by the unauthorized users.

These may initially work on authorization, confidentiality, authentication, and availability types of aspects. With the help of these tools, we can avoid the loss of relevant information, the client's trust, sudden breakdown, additional costs required for repairing websites after an attack, and unpredictable website performance.

For this, we have the following tools available in the market:

  • SonarQube
  • ZAP
  • Netsparker
  • Arachni
  • IronWASP
Security testing tools


It is an open-source security tool which is established by Sonar Source. It is used to test the quality of the code and execute the automatic reviews with the help of identifying the bugs, code analysis and security exposures on various programming languages such as Java, C#, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Cobol, C/C++ and so on of the web applications. SonarQube tool is written on the JAVA programming language.

It will generate the reports of the code coverage, complexity of code, repeated code, security weakness, and bugs. It offers complete analysis with multiple tools like Ant, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, and so on.

Security testing tools

Features of SonarQube

  • It will integrate with multiple development environments like Visual Studio, Eclipse, and IntelliJ IDEA over the SonarLint plug-ins.
  • It also supports some external tools such as GitHub, LDAP, and Active Directory.
  • It can record the metric history and deliver the evolution graphs.
  • It will help us to identify the complex issues.
  • It will provide application security.

ZAP [Zed Attack Proxy]

It is another security testing tool, which is established by OWASP, where it stands for (Open Web Application Security Project). It is an open-source tool that was written on the Java Programming language. If we use this tool as a proxy server, it offers the user to deploy all the traffic which passes over it. We can run this tool on the daemon mode that is exact through the REST API.

Security testing tools

Features of ZAP

  • It will support the command-line access for advance users.
  • It can be used as a scanner.
  • It will provide the automatic scanning of the web application.
  • It supports different operating systems like Windows, OS X, and Linux.
  • It uses the powerful and Old AJAX spiders.


It is used to find the vulnerabilities of the web application uniquely and also validates that the weaknesses of the application are correct or incorrect. It can be easily accessible as Windows software. With the help of this tool, we can do automatic vulnerability assessment and fix the issues and avoid the resources-intensive manual procedures.

Security testing tools

Features of Netsparker

  • It will automatically scan modern web applications like Web 2.0, HTML5, and SPA (single page applications), and all types of legacy.
  • For different purposes, it will provide a multitude of out-of-the-box reports for both developers and management.
  • We can generate custom reports with the help of our templates.
  • We can collaborate this tool with CI/CD platforms such as Bamboo, Jenkins, or TeamCity to protect our application.


It is another open-source security testing tool, which is used to find the security vulnerabilities of the web application. It supports the integrated browser environment, which helps us to identify the security issues of the highly complex web applications.

Security testing tools

Features of Arachni

  • It will provide vulnerability exposure, test coverage, and correctness of the web application technologies.
  • It supports the various platform and all-important Operating systems like Linus, Mac, OS X, and MS Windows.
  • It will support different technologies like HTML5, JavaScript, AJAX, and DOM manipulation.

For more information about Arachni, refers to the below link:


It is an open-source tool, which is used to identify the vulnerability of the web application. It stands for the Iron Web Application Advanced Security Testing Platform. With the help of this tool, a user can make their custom security scanners. It was developed by using Python and Ruby programming languages.

Security testing tools

Features of IronWASP

  • It will support the recording login sequence.
  • It will produce the reports for both RTF and HTML formats.
  • It is a GUI based tool.
  • It will support false Positives and negatives detection.

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