Sentence Correction

11) The performances at the event were rather worst than I had expected.

  1. bad than I wished
  2. worse than expectation
  3. worse than I had expected
  4. No correction required

Answer: C

Explanation: The performances at the event were rather worse than I had expected.

12) Why did not you threw the ball away?

  1. had not you threw
  2. did not your throw
  3. you did not thrown
  4. No correction required

Answer: B

Explanation: Why did not you throw the ball away?

13) Shapes of goddesses are worshiped by people since ancient times.

  1. Reflections
  2. Shadows
  3. No correction required
  4. Images

Answer: D

Explanation: Images of goddesses are worshiped by people since ancient times.

14) The singer stood quietly for few moments before the performance.

  1. for moments
  2. for few times
  3. for a few moments
  4. No correction required

Answer: C

Explanation: The singer stood quietly for a few moments before the performance.

15) The coach asked the players if they thought he was right and the players shouted that they have

  1. that they did
  2. that he is
  3. that they had
  4. that they have

Answer: A

Explanation: The coach asked the players if they thought he was right and the players shouted that they did

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