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RSS Feed Submission

RSS feed submission refers to the submission of RSS feeds to RSS submission directory sites to boost your search engine ranking. RSS stands for Rich Site Summary and sometimes also for Really Simple Syndication.

The RSS feed contains updates of your website, i.e. updated content, videos, images, links, etc. The users who are interested in these updates can subscribe your RSS feed that helps get more free traffic and backlinks. Thus, whenever a visitor visits your blog or page and wants to be notified when it is updated on your site then RSS feed is an ideal option.

RSS feed can be a blog, article, news headline, audio or video, and is submitted to several recipients in the form of web feed formats, a summarized text. An RSS document is also known as a feed or a web feed. In this off page SEO technique, the same article is submitted to several article directories for publication.

RSS feed is an XML file that contains your site's information in the form of URLs. It is displayed in the form of a summarized text to the users. You can subscribe to an RSS feed by entering the URL of the feed into the feed reader and providing the required details. So, this information is automatically submitted and updated and you are not required to manually add your pages. For example, receiving reports and news updates as the events occur on a mobile phone while doing something else.

RSS Feed Submission Benefits

  • The updated content or information quickly reaches the interested users. It helps retain your readers and increases credibility of your site.
  • The content would also attract new readers who are searching updates related to your content.
  • You can incorporate your main keywords or phrases in the RSS feeds that can improve ranking of your site.
  • Your site gains more popularity if you keep providing fresh and relevant content by submitting RSS feeds.
  • All these benefits are directly linked to quality backlinks and quality website traffic.
  • The content is automatically broadcasted to the subscribers. In this, you don't need to submit articles manually to article directories.
  • It allows web users to get updates automatically when new content is posted.

Some of the popular RSS submission sites that can help you improve your rank are as follows:


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