Simple Car Racing Game Code in C++

If you're dealing with visuals, writing a game demands some solid programming skills as well as a strong grasp of a few APIs, such as OpenGL and DirectX. For C++ programmers, there are a few gaming engines available to make the process straightforward.

Necessary Header files

The dos.h is a C language header file. This library includes routines for handling interrupts, making sound, handling dates and times, etc. It is exclusive to Borland and functions with compilers like Turbo C Compiler.

It is simpler for the user to use the built-in functionality when the <windows.h> header file is used to access the Win32 API methods. If the built-in functions are utilized or included in the main file, Win32 executable is used in the source code. The library and the functions used in libraries like <stdio.h> or <stdlib.h> are specifically included in the header file. It uses various components that enable modification, extension, and replacement of the items in libraries in addition to the capabilities of macros. The string functions that enable the inclusion of C library functions in the Windows kernel utilize UNICODE.

Program for car racing game in C++


           |        Car Game        |

          1. Start Game
          2. Instructions
          3. Quit
          Select option: 2
 Avoid Cars by moving left or right.
 Press 'a' to move left
 Press 'd' to move right
 Press 'escape' to exit
Press any key to go back to menu 1

Simple Car Racing Game Code in C++
Simple Car Racing Game Code in C++
Simple Car Racing Game Code in C++


  • The cursor is placed at the specified spot on the screen via the gotoxy() function. This indicates that the gotoxy() method can be used to move the pointer around the screen. The main purpose of it is to print text wherever the pointer is placed.
  • COORD: is a framework for holding screens. X and Y are COORDinates. A handle to a standard device is returned by the GetStdHandle function (input, output, or error). A handle is an access point to a Windows kernel object provided via an index in the system table. I believe Std Output Handle() returns the STD OUTPUT HANDLE value to identify the active console buffer for standard output. The cursor location is set using SetControlCursorPosition (obviously).
  • The Standard Input (STDIN), Standard Output (STDOUT), and Standard Error Handles (STDERR) may all be retrieved using the GetStdHandle() method. One argument, STD_INPUT_HANDLE,STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, or STD_ERROR_HANDLE, is required by the GetStdHandle() function.
  • The built-in srand() function is part of the C++ STL, which is a header file specified in cstdlib. Random number generators are initialised using the srand() function. The srand() function establishes the initial value for a stream of pseudo-random numbers. The rand() seed is set as if srand(1) had been called at programme startup if srand() is not invoked. The generator starts from a different beginning point if seed is set to any other value.

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