Splunk Sharing and Exporting

There are many ways to share and export the file in many formats as per our needs. We can even set the expiry of a job and also extend it. In this section, we are going to export the file and reports of the searches that we are doing in the data. Along with this we will also view and compare the job, sort the job, create a job, and extend the expiry of the job.

Share jobs and export results

We can share a job with other Splunk users, or export to archive the event data, or use it with a third-party charting program.

Share a job with others.

When sharing a job, we share the results of a particular search run.

There are multiple ways we can share a particular job with other Splunk users. To share our Work with other users, we can change the permissions for a search job. We can also share a job by sending the URL to a Splunk user for search jobs.

We can modify permissions only, or share a connection to our current Work.

Change job permissions

By changing the permissions, we can share a job on that job. All jobs are Private by default.

  1. In the Job menu, select Edit Job Settings to display the Job Settings dialog box.
  2. Change Read Permissions to Everyone.
  3. Click Save
Splunk Sharing and Exporting

Share a job URL

By giving them a connection to the Work, we can share a job with other Splunk users. This is useful if we want another person to see the results that the Work produces.

The users to whom we are sending the connection must have permissions for using the device to which the job belongs.

Decide which method to use to get a connection to a job. We can use either the Sharing icon or the Work menu.

To use the Share icon:

  1. Click on this Splunk Sharing and Exporting. This icon is one of the search action icons.
  2. Copy the URL and then send the link to the person that we want to share the job results within the Link To Job text box.

The rights on the job are changed to Everyone automatically, and the work-life is automatically extended to 7 days.

Splunk Sharing and Exporting

To use the Job menu:

  1. In the Job menu, select Edit Job Settings to display the Job Settings dialog box.
  2. Now change the Read Permissions to Everyone in the given option. If the permissions for a job is set to Private, then other users cannot access the job with the link.
  3. Change Lifetime to 7 days.
  4. Now, copy the link and send the link to the users we want to share the job results with.
Splunk Sharing and Exporting

We may also use the Bookmark icon to save the connection for our use. The bookmark icon will appear both in the Job Settings dialog and in the Sharing Employment dialog box. We can click and drag the Bookmark icon to our Web browser's bookmark bar.

Manage search jobs

We can use the Jobs page to review and manage any job that we own.

If we have the Admin role or a role with an equivalent set of capabilities, we can manage the search jobs run by all users of our Splunk implementation.

Opening the Jobs page

  • To view a list of our jobs, click on the Activity then on the Jobs option. It will open the Jobs page.

It displays a list of different types of jobs.

  • The resulting jobs are from ad hoc searches or pivots that we have recently run manually.
  • Jobs for searches are run when dashboards are loaded, or reports are opened.
  • Jobs for scheduled searches.
Splunk Sharing and Exporting

Refreshing the jobs list

The worklist in the Jobs tab doesn't refresh automatically.

  • Jobs created after we imagine the Jobs page will not be available until we reload the Jobs page.
  • If a job expires when the Jobs page is open, the Work will appear on the Jobs page list, but we can not see the job details.

Reload the tab to refresh the Work tab.

Job actions

The Actions column can be used to perform acts on a job.

Splunk Sharing and Exporting

Use the Work drop-down to change job settings, extend the life of our employment, audit the job, or delete the employment.

Pause, stop exchange, and export jobs using the action icons.

Pick the jobs and press Edit Selected to execute those acts on multiple jobs. Then pick the action we wish to perform.

View and compare jobs

We will see a list of the recently dispatched or saved jobs for later analysis. We are using the list to compare job statistics, including run time, the total number of matched incidents, size, etc.

Active job count

The count of the total number of jobs in the list appears in the upper right corner of the Jobs tab.

The count represents the number of jobs we've been opening the Jobs list. If a job expires when the Jobs page is open, it does not refresh the work count.

Sort the job list

By default in the Splunk, the list of jobs is sorted at a column by the Made.

We can sort the list by any column in the column heading, which displays a sort button. We may sort the list, for example, by the expiry of the job or by the work owner.

  • To sort the list in ascending order, click on the column heading once. To sort the list in descending order, click again.

Filter the job list

We can filter the list of jobs by application, by the owner, and by status.

  • In the Filter box, type a term or expression that appears in the search criteria to filter the list.

For example, we can specify disk usage, EMBED AND diskUsage=8*, or label=EMBED AND diskUsage=8* in the Filter box.

View job search results

We can display the results of a search which appears on the Jobs page.

1. To show results relevant to a particular work, click on the search button.

O For ad hoc searches, the search criteria are the ties.

O For saved searches, the link in the report name, dashboard panel, or pivot panel.

The results will open in the view of the Search app.

Check the progress of ongoing jobs.

We can inspect jobs dispatched by scheduled searches, real-time searches, and long-running historical searches.

Using the Status column to test the progress of ongoing Work. The Status column displays the number of recorded events. Present workers have Working status. Jobs that work in the background have Backgrounded status.

Change the per page job count.

We can change the number of jobs appearing on the list on each page. The default is to have 10 jobs displayed on every page. We can view 10, 20, or 50 jobs per page on the right-hand side of the window.

Inspect jobs

We can inspect a job to look more closely at what a search is doing, to see where the Splunk app spends much of its processing time.

Use the Search Work Inspector to show current job details, such as the cost of performing jobs and search job assets.

  1. For the particular Work, click Work in the Actions tab.
  2. Pick Job Check.

For more information about using the Search Job Inspector, see View search job properties.

Extending search job lifetimes

There are many ways to change the life span of a career from the Careers tab. See Extending working hours to learn more about lifetimes for different types of workers.

Quickly extend job lifetimes.

We can quickly extend the Lifetime of a job.

  1. In the Actions column for the specific job, select Job.
  2. Select Extend Job Expiration.

Extend the lifetimes for multiple jobs

We can extend the lifetimes of multiple jobs at the same time.

  1. Select the jobs whose lifetimes we want to extend.
  2. Above the job list, click Edit Selected.
  3. Select Extend Expiration.
Splunk Sharing and Exporting

Export job results in a file.

We can export the results of our job in a variety of formats, including CSV, JSON, PDF, Raw Events, and XML. We can then store the file, or use it with a charting program from a third party. The format choices depend on what kind of job artifact we are working with.

  • If the search is generating the calculated data that appears on the Statistics tab, we cannot export the search using the Raw Events format.
  • If the search in Splunk is a saved search, such as a Report, we can export it to the PDF format.

The file that will be exported will be saved in the default download directory for our browser or operating system.

There are several methods for distributing search results. Some of these include the Splunk Network, CLI, SDKs, and REST methods. Many methods are designed for volume, while others are ideal for extremely large sets of events.

See Export search results for a full list of the export methods and links to the specific steps.

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