Download and Install STS IDE

Spring Tool Suite (STS) IDE

Spring Tool Suite is an IDE to develop Spring applications. It is an Eclipse-based development environment. It provides a ready-to-use environment to implement, run, deploy, and debug the application. It validates our application and provides quick fixes for the applications.

Installing STS

Step 1: Download Spring Tool Suite from Click on the platform which you are using. In this tutorial, we are using the Windows platform.

Download and Install STS IDE

Step 2: Extract the zip file and install the STS.

sts-bundle -> sts-3.9.9.RELEASE -> Double-click on the STS.exe.

Download and Install STS IDE

Step 3: Spring Tool Suite 3 Launcher dialog box appears on the screen. Click on the Launch button. You can change the Workspace if you want.

Download and Install STS IDE

Step 4: It starts launching the STS.

Download and Install STS IDE

The STS user interface looks like the following:

Download and Install STS IDE

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