Spring with Xstream Example

Xstream is a library to serialize objects to xml and vice-versa without requirement of any mapping file. Notice that castor requires an mapping file.

XStreamMarshaller class provides facility to marshal objects into xml and vice-versa.

Example of Spring and Xstream Integration (Marshalling Java Object into XML)

You need to create following files for marshalling java object into XML using Spring with Xstream:

  1. Employee.java
  2. applicationContext.xml
  3. Client.java

Required Jar files

To run this example, you need to load:

  • Spring Core jar files
  • Spring Web jar files
  • xstream-1.3.jar

download all the jar files for spring including core, web, aop, mvc, j2ee, remoting, oxm, jdbc, orm etc.

download xstream-1.3.jar


If defines three properties id, name and salary with setters and getters.


It defines a bean xstreamMarshallerBean where Employee class is bound with the OXM framework.


It gets the instance of Marshaller from the applicationContext.xml file and calls the marshal method.

Output of the example


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