
Today, we are going to learn about SQL general Functions. The General Functions we are going to learn about are:

  • NVL()
  • NVL2()
  • DECODE()
  • LNNVL()

1.) NVL()

This is one of the functions of SQL extensively used in Structured Query Language (SQL).

This function can hold two input values only. If input values are more than 2 then an error is returned. This functions returns the first NOT NULL value when searched in the function.

If both the inputs are NULL, then there is no output for this function.

The input data type can be Integer, Floating Point Number, String, Character input, etc.


Example Queries

2.) NVL2()

This is one of the functions of SQL extensively used in Structured Query Language (SQL).

This function can hold three input values only. If input values are more than three then an error is returned. This function returns the first value after NOT NULL value is found, when searched in the function.

If the first value is NOT NULL, second value is returned.

If the first value is NULL and the second value is NOT NULL, third value is returned.

The returned value can also be a NULL value too.

The working of this functioning is as same as NVL () in SQL.

If both the inputs are NULL, then there is no output for this function.

The input data type can be Integer, Floating Point Number, String, Character input, etc.


Example Queries

3.) DECODE()

This is also one of the expressions used in SQL. This Decode expression is used as IF, ELSE IF, ELSE IF Ladder style. This decode works on the basis of the condition specified.

Any kind of operation specified is going to work here.

The input types must chosen based on the data types specified.


Example Queries


This also one of the expression used in SQL. This expression works similar to NVL () expression. The only difference it can accept inputs greater than two. It returns the first NOT NULL input element.

The input data type can be anything. The inputs can be int, float, string, character, number, etc.


Example Queries

5.) LNNVL()

This is one of the function of SQL which is used in SQL. This is used to convert True to False and False to True.

The LNNVL () function has the capacity to hold a condition. This makes the condition go reverse.

If the condition is SID = 2. Then LNNVL (SID = 2) is equivalent to SID ! = 2.


Example Queries

6.) NANVL ()

If the input value n2 is NaN (not a number), this method returns an alternative value n1, and if n2 is not NaN, it returns n2. Only floating-point numbers of the types BINARY FLOAT or BINARY DOUBLE can be used with this function.

The function accepts any numeric or nonnumeric data type as an input, with the ability to implicitly convert to a numeric data type.

The method returns BINARY DOUBLE if the parameter is BINARY FLOAT. If not, the function returns a numeric data type that matches the parameter.


Example Queries

This is all about SQL general functions: NVL, NVL2, DECODE, COALESCE, NULLIF, LNNVL and NANVL

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