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Sustainable Development

Economic and social development that protects and enhances the natural environment and social fairness constitute as sustainable development. As a result, sustainable development is cantered on the interaction between humans and their surroundings and serves as a warning that humans should be responsible to the environment and natural resources.

It is impossible to encourage growth that is antithetical to nature since, in the end, nature always triumphs. Sustainable development promotes the conservation and preservation of natural resources and environment and also helps in the management of energy, waste, and transportation.

Sustainable development is built on production and consumption patterns that can be replicated. It is pursued in the future without damaging the human or natural environment.

The objective behind sustainable development was to incorporate environmentalist principles into the major issue of economic development policy. It aimed to change the types of unsustainable development techniques pursued. The word "sustainable development" combines the concepts "sustainability" and "development" to describe a pattern of expansion that increases both national capabilities to care for their people in proportion to their whole interaction with the earth's resources.


Sustainable development is defined as development that meets current needs without affecting future generations' ability to meet their own.

There are two main concepts in this:

  • The concept of "needs", especially the important needs of the world's poor section, should be prioritized.
  • The concept of constraints placed on the environment's capacity by state-of-the-art social structures to meet current and future requirements.

The Evolution of Sustainable Development

The abstract of sustainable development served as the foundation for the Rio de Janeiro United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992. The Summit was the first international attempt to formulate action plans and strategies for transitioning to a more sustainable growth pattern. Over 100 Heads of State and delegates from 178 sovereign governments were in attendance. Representatives from a variety of civil society organizations also attended the Summit. The Brundtland Commission's response to environmental issues in its 1987 reports 'Our Common Future' was sustainable development.

The concept of sustainable development first received significant international recognition at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm in 1972. Although the term was not used directly, the international community agreed on the notion - now critical to sustainable development - that development and the environment, which were traditionally considered separate issues, could be handled cooperatively.

The Need for Long-Term Development

  • To mitigate or avoid environmental deterioration;
  • To safeguard human safety; and
  • To examine exploitative technologies and seek alternate sources.
  • Reducing over-exploitation and waste of natural resources; and
  • Regenerating renewable energy resources.

Sustainable Development Components

1. Social aspects

  • Workers' health and safety;
  • Impact on local communities and quality of life;
  • Benefits to underserved populations; Economic components include
  • The creation of new markets and sales prospects;
  • cost reduction through efficiency and improvements, as well as reduced energy and raw material inputs; and
  • The creation of additional value.

2. Environmental factors

  • Reduce waste, effluent output, and emissions into the environment;
  • Minimize impact on human health;
  • Use renewable raw materials; and
  • Eliminate dangerous substances.

What are its guiding principles?

  • Integration of environmental and economic decision-making
  • Stewardship or humans as environmental caretakers
  • Shared responsibility, accountability, and decision-making
  • Mitigation and prevention
  • Conservation
  • Waste reduction
  • Productivity, capabilities, and the quality of nature and human life
  • Rehabilitation and reclamation
  • Scientific and technological advancements

Goals for Sustainable Development

  • The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals are 17 interconnected global goals intended to serve as a "roadmap to a brighter and more sustainable future for all."
  • The UN General Assembly identified the SDGs in 2015 to achieve by 2030.
  • They are enshrined in a United Nations Resolution popularly known as the 2030 Agenda.

Examples of Sustainable Development

  • Wind energy
  • Solar energy
  • Crop rotation
  • Sustainable building
  • Efficient water fixtures
  • Open space
  • Sustainable forestry

Achieving Sustainable Development

The following points can help us attain sustainable development:

  • This is possible by limiting human activity.
  • Technological advancement should be input effective rather than input using.
  • The consumption rate should not be greater than the rate of salvation.
  • The rate of consumption of renewable resources must not exceed the rate of development of alternative renewable energy sources.
  • Pollution of all kinds should be reduced.
  • It is achievable through the prudent use of natural resources.

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