Syllogism 4

16) Statements:

I) Some roads are highways
II) Some highways are waterways
III) Some waterways are airways


I. Some airways are roads
II. Some waterways are roads
III. Some airways are highways
IV. Some roads are airways

  1. Only I follows
  2. Either I or II or III follows
  3. Only II follows
  4. All I, II and III follow
  5. None follows

Answer: E



A conclusion is true if it is true in any possible Venn diagram. From the above Venn diagram, we can say that none of the above conclusions follows.

17) Statements:

I) All boots are slippers
II) No slipper is a shoe
III) All shoes are caps


I. Some boots are caps.
II. All slippers are boots.
III. Some caps are slippers.
IV. All boots are slippers.

  1. Only I follows
  2. Either I or II or III follows
  3. Only IV follows
  4. I, II and III follow
  5. None follows

Answer: C



From the given statements and the above diagram, it is clear that only IV follows.

18) Statements:

No window is a cat.
All the cats are dogs.


I. No window is a dog
II. No dog is a window
III. Some dogs are cats
IV. All the dogs are cats

  1. Only II and III follow
  2. Only I and III
  3. Only III and IV follow
  4. Only III follows
  5. All the four follow

Answer: D



From the given statements, two Venn diagrams can be made and from both the diagrams it is clear that only III follows.

19) Statements:

I). All the pens are scales
II). All the scales are calendars


I. All the calendars are scales
II. All the pens are calendars
III. All the scales are pens
IV. Some calendars are pens

  1. Only I and IV follow
  2. Only III and IV follow
  3. Only II and IV follow
  4. Only I and II follow
  5. Only I and III follow

Answer: C



From the given statements, we can make a single Venn diagram that shows only II and IV follow.

20) Statements:

I. Some tables are towers
II. Some towers are rats


I. Some tables are rats
II. Some rats are tables
III. All the rats are towers
IV. All the towers are tables

  1. Only II and IV follow
  2. Only I and III follow
  3. Only IV follows
  4. Only I and IV follow
  5. None of the four

Answer: E



From the given statements, we can make two Venn diagrams that show none of the four options follows.

Syllogism 1
Syllogism 2
Syllogism 3

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