Task.FromResult() method in C#

in C#, the Task Parallel Library (TPL) in the .NET framework offers a method called Task.FromResult(). It gives programmers the ability to create a task that has already been finished and produces a desired outcome. For asynchronous programming scenarios, where it may be necessary to combine synchronous and asynchronous code, this approach is especially helpful when you need to return a completed task synchronously.

Task.FromResult() is primarily used to create a task that represents an asynchronous operation that has already been finished and has a given outcome.

It is important that Task.FromResult() does not offer the advantages of asynchronous execution, so it is not advised to be used for CPU-bound or potentially thread-blocking operations.
Unit testers frequently utilize Task.FromResult() to replicate asynchronous behavior without requiring the overhead of asynchronous operations.


It has the following syntax:

  • The kind of result we need to wrap up with the finished task is called a TResult.
  • The value we need to assign to the task's outcome is called the result.


Let us take an example to illustrate the Task.FromResult() method in C#.


Result: 123

Example Code:

Let us take another example to illustrate the Task.FromResult() method in C#.


Example 1 Result: 42
Example 2 Result: Hello, world!


  • The Task is used in Example 1 to create a completed task with an integer result (42).fromResult().
  • Task is used in Example 2 to create a completed task with a string result ("Hello, world!").fromResult().

Example 2:

Let us take another example to illustrate the Task.FromResult() method in C#.


Result: User ID: 10567482, Username: Harsha


  • In this example, the result shows how to simulate an asynchronous operation to use FromResult() to retrieve user data.
  • The GetUserAsync() method uses Task to simulate an asynchronous operation by delaying by one second.Delay(), followed by a synchronous user data fetch using GetUserFromDatabase().
  • In this case, GetUserFromDatabase() merely returns a hardcoded user for demonstration; otherwise, it resembles fetching user data from a database or an external service.
  • Next, using Task, the user data that was obtained from GetUserFromDatabase() is wrapped around a finished task.fromResult() and provided an asynchronous return.


For creating completed tasks with specified results, C#'s Task.FromResult() method is a simple and effective solution. The ability to seamlessly bridge the gap between synchronous and asynchronous code makes this method especially useful in scenarios where integrating the two paradigms is required. Task.FromResult() can be used to simulate asynchronous operations with predefined outcomes, which is useful when working with cached or pre-computed data or when unit testing code because of its flexible and simple syntax. Nevertheless, since it may negate the advantages of asynchronous programming, care must be taken to ensure that Task.FromResult() is not misused for lengthy or blocking processes. Task.For asynchronous programming in the.NET framework, FromResult() is a useful tool that helps with clear and simple code design.

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