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Timetable template using CSS Grid

In this article, we will understand the Timetable template using CSS Grid.A time table is a Schedule of meeting, schools, colleges and conference etc. A CSS Grid is a powerful tool that allows for two-dimensional layouts to be created on the web. Following are the examples of timetable template using CSS Grid.

Example 1:


In the above example we created a example of timetable using CSS Grid.


Following is the output of this example.

Timetable template using CSS Grid

Example 2:


In the above example we created a example of timetable using CSS Grid.


Following is the output of this example.

Timetable template using CSS Grid

Example 3:


In the above example we created a example of timetable using css Grid.


Following is the output of this example.

Timetable template using CSS Grid

Example 4:


In the above example we created a example of timetable using CSS Grid.


Following is the output of this example.

Timetable template using CSS Grid

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