Top 10 Largest Countries In The WorldSeeing at the planetary system where Mercury and Venus are in the beginning, the Earth planet is the next nearest planet to the Sun after them. The age of planet Earth is approx. 4.6 billion years, as determined by radiometric dating. The world's total area is approximately 511,072,000 square kilometres. Water covers most of the earth, while land covers the remaining portion of the area on the Earth. The land area totals 150,940,000 square kilometres. The country's boundaries are shifting all the time due to various tectonic and geological processes Since planet Earth is a dynamic planet, it is evolving both on the inside and on the exterior. We know that water covers 71 per cent of the earth's surface and landmass covers the remaining 29 per cent. This 29 per cent of the earth's crust is made up of 198 nations around the world. Coming to top 10 largest countries in the world, these ten countries cover about half of the globe's surface area. Presenting you with the list of the top 10 largest nations around the globe Nations are ranked based on overall area, which is the aggregate of all land and water regions restricted by international borders and/or coasts. It should be noted, however, that the ranks vary when the nations are sorted just by geographical area. For instance, Canada as a nation includes most lakes/ waterbodies amongst all the nations worldwide, and when the nation's area acquired by lakes, ocean or eater body is deducted from its total surface area, it is ranked as 4th, trailing only China and the USA. Also an interesting fact is the world's most largest nations in terms of surface area are not always the world's most populous. Despite having bigger land masses, extremes of temperature and topography in countries such as Russia and Canada prohibit human occupancy throughout huge portions of their area. The 3 extensively populated nations around the globe, China, India, and the United States, are ranked as 4, 3, 7 on the list respectively. So let's get started and have a glance at the top ten largest countries in the world. 1. RussiaThe nation that stands at number one in the list of world's largest countries in the world is Russia. Russia is undoubtedly the planet's biggest nation in terms of surface area, with 17.1 million sq kms. In fact, even if Russia trimmed off 7 million square kilometres, it would still be the biggest. The trimmed portion would rank sixth worldwide. It is equal to 11% of the world's landmass. Russia, a transcontinental country reaching from Asia to Europe, shares 16 borders with China. It features a total of nine separate time zones. Ins-pite being the world's largest nation, Russia is incredibly scantly populated, with just roughly 2% of the globe's people living there. Russia's origins can be traced back to the ninth century Kievan Rus, which grew under the authority of Vikings chieftain Rurik. Another noteworthy territorial expansion happened in the late 16th century during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, Russia's earliest official ruler. By the 18th century, Russia had grown to become the world's third-largest kingdom, and it formed the majority of the Soviet Union when it was formed. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Russian Federation or Russia as we understand at present, was formulated 2. CanadaThe second largest country in the world is Canada; Canada is the largest nation in the world in the Western Hemisphere and North America, with 9.984 million square kilometres after Russia. And over 40 times the size of the United Kingdom would accommodate in Canada! However, it is worth noting that lakes cover 9 per cent of the country's land surface. The country is home to over half of the world's natural lakes. If the water bodies are excluded, Canada would be small in size and area than the United States based solely on surface area. With 202,080-kilometers of shoreline, Canada also possesses the world's longest coastline. It is enclosed from the eastern, northern, and western side by three oceans: the Atlantic, Arctic, and Pacific. To the south, the country shares approximately 9,000 kilometres of border with the United States, making it the globe's longest surface border ever. Canada, like Russia, has a limited population in comparison to its size, with the majority of the people confined within 100 kilometres of the Canada-USA border. 3. USA- United States Of AmericaWith a total area of 9.83 million square kilometres, the United States Of America is positioned at 3 on the list of top largest countries in the world. The surrounding states and the District of Columbia cover 83.65 percent of total of the entire surface of the United States. The remainder is owned by Alaska, Hawaii, and the USA's insular lands. The nation shares its geographical borders with 2 nations Canada in northern and Mexico in southern. The country is ranked eighth in the world in terms of coastline length, with a total length of 19,924 kilometres. On the basis of populace, the United States is ranked at third amongst the nations, although its total populace is far smaller than that of nations like China and India, both of which have masses of over 2 billion people. The total populace of the USA is estimated to be over 300 million residents. 4. ChinaChina is the world's fourth-largest nation, with a total land area of 9.59 million square kilometres. As Russia advances into Europe, it is the largest country in Asia that is fully on the continent. China shares 14 borders with other nations. However, in terms of land area, it ranks second. However, determining China's actual size is a topic of significant disagreement because the government claims several areas that are subject to border disputes, such as Taiwan, South Tibet, Aksai Chin, and others. However, unlike Russia and Canada, China's population is very large. With nearly 1.4 billion inhabitants, it is the world's most populous country. The population is dispersed unevenly over the country's enormous territory. 5. BrazilBrazil is the fifth-largest nation in South America, with surface area of 8,600,000 sq kms. It accounts for 47.3 percent of the continent's land area. The nation has a 7,491-kilometer coastline. Excluding nations like Chile and Ecuador, Brazil shares boundaries with every other South American country. It has four distinctive time zone. Brazil is also the longest nation in the world, stretching 4,395 kilometres from north to south. Brazil is the only nation in which both the Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn intersect. 6. AustraliaAustralia is the nation's sixth-largest country by land area, with 7.74 million square kilometres. The roughly 4.4 million square kilometre disparity between Australia and India is the second-largest size difference between nations listed in the top ten regularly. This nation is twice the size of India. It is currently the world 's biggest. It is literally so enormous that it does not even classify as an island, but rather as a large continental landmass. The great majority of its people reside in coastal towns such as Sydney in the eastern and Perth in the western, and with excellent purpose: the Australian Outback is one of the planet's dry and hottest places. 7. IndiaIndia, the globe's seventh-largest country, is situated in South Asia and has a surface area of 3.28 million sq kms. The nation has a 15,000-kilometer land boundary and a 7,516.6-kilometer shoreline. Its geographical boundaries are shared by seven nations. Despite ranking seventh on this listing, India is the world's second most populated nation. It has a populace of over 1.3 billion of people and is expected to overtake China as the globe's most populated nation by end of 2027. 8. ArgentinaArgentina, the world's 32nd most populated nation, is also the world's eighth-biggest and the world's biggest Spanish-speaking country by surface. It shares boundaries with five other nations. Its 2.78 million square kilometres contain some of the world's most diverse topography and climate. 9. KazakhstanThe next in list of top 10 largest countries in the world is Kazakhstan. This is a transcontinental nation with a land size of 2,70 million sq kms in Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Kazakhstan's current major standout feature is that it is the biggest landlocked nation in the world-and the only landlocked nation in the top ten. Kazakhstan was formerly part of the Soviet Union, which was the largest country in the world for most of the twentieth century. Kazakhstan is the total area of Western Europe and is surrounded by five nations. 10. AlgeriaAlgeria, the only African nation on this list of the world's ten largest countries, ranks tenth with an area of 2.38 square kilometres in North Africa's Maghreb region. Six nations border it, as well as the unsettled area of Western Sahara. The Sahara Desert dominates the nation's southernmost region. This nation stands at number 10 position in the top largest countries in the world.
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