Traditional Feature Engineering Models


The act of converting unprocessed data into a format appropriate for machine learning algorithms is known as feature engineering. Enhancing model performance entails choosing, producing, and altering characteristics. A machine-learning model can employ features measurable qualities or attributes of the data as inputs. Through the identification and suppression of noise or unnecessary data, feature engineering seeks to improve a model's prediction ability.

Feature engineering is like assembling components for a dish, to put it simply. A data scientist meticulously chooses and develops features to produce an efficient machine-learning model, just like a chef chooses and prepares ingredients to create a good dish.

Importance of Feature Engineering in Machine Learning

  • Enhanced Model Performance: Well-designed features have the power to greatly improve machine learning models' performance. Feature engineering helps the model make correct predictions or classifications by feeding it meaningful and pertinent data.
  • Dimensionality Reduction: By choosing or generating a subset of features that are most instructive for the given job, feature engineering approaches can assist in reducing the dimensionality of the data. In addition to making the model simpler, this lowers the chance of overfitting.
  • Managing Complex Data: Data in real-world applications is frequently disorganized, lacking, or unstructured. By converting raw data into a format that machine learning algorithms can comprehend and process more easily, feature engineering enables data scientists to extract insightful information from complicated data sources.
  • Interpretability: Well-designed features can improve the model's ability to explain and interpret its predictions. To obtain insight into the underlying patterns in the data, one must comprehend the role that each characteristic plays in the model's decision-making process.

Overview of Traditional Feature Engineering Models

Conventional feature engineering models provide a broad spectrum of methods for preparing and modifying data before supplying it to algorithms for machine learning.

  • Encoding Techniques: Machine learning algorithms can interpret numerical values representing categorical variables. These techniques include one-hot encoding, label encoding, ordinal encoding, count encoding, and target encoding.
  • Scaling techniques: To normalize the range of numerical characteristics, make them comparable, and keep features with bigger scales from taking center stage in the model, employ techniques like standardization, min-max scaling, and resilient scaling.
  • Transformation techniques: These include the use of polynomial features, log transformation, and Box-Cox transformation to alter the distribution or connection between features to better fit them into a model.

Common Techniques in Traditional Feature Engineering:

1. One-Hot Encoding

Binary vectors are a way of representing categorical data, called one-hot encoding. The process in question converts each category into a binary vector whose length is the number of distinct categories in the feature. Every vector has a 0 everywhere else and a 1 at the index that corresponds to the category. This guarantees that there is no assumption of an ordinal relationship between categories in the model.

Use Cases and Examples

  • Example 1: Let's say we have a "Colour" feature with red, blue, and green as examples of the many categories. Each category is now a binary vector following one-hot encoding: red = [1, 0, 0], blue = [0, 1, 0], and green = [0, 0, 1].
  • Example 2: One-hot encoding is a popular technique in natural language processing for representing vocabulary terms. The binary vectors for each word indicate whether the term appears in a particular text or not.


  • Maintains categorical data without making any assumptions about ordinal relationships.
  • It Performs well with algorithms designed to handle categorical data indirectly.


  • Does not capture connections between categories.
  • Increases the complexity of the dataset, which can be troublesome for big category features.

2. Label Encoding

One technique for turning category data into numerical labels is label encoding. A unique integer between 0 and n-1 is allocated to each category; n is the total number of distinct categories in the feature. Algorithms can now understand category data as numerical values thanks to this translation.

Use Cases and Examples:

  • Example 1: Imagine having a "Size" feature with small, medium, and big categories. Following label encoding, large = 2, medium = 1, and tiny = 0.
  • Example 2: In algorithms that need numerical inputs, such as decision trees and random forests, label encoding is common.


  • Easy-to-understand transformation.
  • Helpful for algorithms requiring numerical inputs.


  • Suitable for features with high cardinality.
  • May produce ordinality when none exists, causing inaccurate assumptions by the model.

3. Ordinal Encoding

While considering the ordinal connection between categories, ordinal encoding is comparable to label encoding. Numerical labels are applied to categories according to their rank or order. This encoding maintains the ordinal data included in categorical characteristics.

Use Cases and Examples:

  • Example 1: Assume we have a feature called "Temperature" that has three categories: cold, warm, and hot. It is possible to assign cold = 0, warm = 1, and hot = 2 using ordinal encoding.
  • Example 2: When replies to a survey follow a natural sequence, such as "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree," ordinal encoding is frequently employed.


  • Ideal for characteristics with a distinct order or rank.
  • Maintains ordinal information in categorical features.


  • It is possible that the assumed linear relationship between categories is not always accurate.
  • May result in inaccurate conclusions in cases where the ordinality lacks significance.

4. Count Encoding

Count encoding substitutes the number of instances of each category in the dataset for each other. When addressing high-cardinality categorical variables, this encoding might be helpful as it captures the frequency of each category.

Use Cases and Examples:

  • Example 1: The label for a "City" feature in a dataset is assigned via count encoding, which counts the occurrences of each city.
  • Example 2: count encoding helps with features like "User_ID" in recommendation systems, where it's important to communicate with each user often.


  • Holds onto important details on the distribution of categories.
  • Works well for features with a high cardinality.


  • Can overstate the value of uncommon categories if not handled properly.
  • May not be appropriate for features where the amount of occurrences does not correlate with predictive strength.

5. Target Encoding

Target encoding (sometimes called mean encoding) substitutes the mean of the target variable for each category in place of the original value. This encoding, which is especially helpful for classification problems, uses the information in the target variable to encode category characteristics.

Use Cases and Examples:

  • Example 1: Target encoding substitutes the mean churn rate for each category of a feature to replace it in a binary classification issue where the target variable is "Churn" (1 for churn, 0 for no churn).
  • Example 2: To enhance model performance, target encoding is frequently employed in Kaggle competitions and practical applications.


  • Works well for features with a lot of categories.
  • It incorporates target variable information, which may result in a stronger predictive power.


  • Sensitive to outliers in the target variable and class imbalance.
  • Susceptible to overfitting if regularisation is not done correctly.

Feature Scaling Techniques:

1. Standardization

Z-score normalization sometimes referred to as standardization, modifies the data such that the mean is equal to 0 and the standard deviation is 1. It divides each data point by the standard deviation after deducting the feature mean from each one. The resultant distribution has a standard deviation of one and a mean of zero.

Use Cases and Examples:

Algorithms that assume normally distributed data, such as support vector machines (SVM), logistic regression, and linear regression, frequently utilize standardization. Standardization, for instance, can improve the accuracy with which coefficients in linear regression indicate the effect size of each factor.

Let's say we have a dataset with attributes like education level, income, and age. We can compare these traits' effects on the target variable predicting home prices, for example, more successfully if we standardize them.


  • Standardisation aids in the interpretation of linear model coefficients.
  • Reduces the algorithm's sensitivity to the size of features.


  • It assumes that the data is normally distributed, which may not always be the case.
  • Moreover, outliers may still influence the scaling process by affecting the mean and standard deviation.

2. Min-Max Scaling

Mini-Max Coordinating with a set range, usually between 0 and 1, is what scaling, often referred to as normalization, does to the data. It is divided by the discrepancy between the maximum and minimum values after subtracting the feature's minimum value.

Use Cases and Examples:

Algorithms like K-nearest neighbors (KNN) and neural networks, which demand that features have a comparable size, frequently employ min-max scaling. Pixel values are, for example, frequently normalized to a range between 0 and 1 in image processing activities.


  • Min-Max Scaling maintains the data's original distribution.
  • When an algorithm demands that features fall inside a restricted interval, it might be helpful.


  • If the minimum and maximum values are not indicative of the whole dataset, it might not function well.
  • It is susceptible to outliers since extreme values might disproportionately affect the scaling.

3. Robust Scaling

Also referred to as robust standardization, robust scaling involves scaling the data using robust estimators that are less susceptible to outlier effects. The interquartile range (IQR), as opposed to the standard deviation, is used for scaling after the median has been subtracted.

Use Cases and Examples:

When working with datasets that include skewed distributions or outliers, robust scaling is advantageous. Due to their reduced sensitivity to feature size, algorithms like decision trees and clustering frequently employ it.

Assume we have a dataset of household earnings in which a small number of people earn astronomically high amounts of money. We may lessen the impact of these outliers on the scaling procedure by using robust scaling.


  • When it comes to representing the central tendency of the data in the face of outliers.
  • Robust scaling performs better than standardization and min-max scaling. It is also less impacted by outliers.


  • Because robust scaling does not provide a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1, it might not be appropriate for algorithms that rely on normalcy.
  • In cases when the data distribution is already narrow, it may compress the interquartile range.

Feature Transformation Techniques:

1. Polynomial Features

Creating new features by the raising of current features to a power of two is known as polynomial features. For instance, given a feature (x), producing polynomial features of degree two would entail producing (x2) in addition to the initial feature (x). The model can represent nonlinear interactions between attributes as a result.

Use Cases and Examples:

  • In polynomial regression, when it is assumed that the connection between the independent and dependent variables is polynomial, polynomial features are frequently employed.
  • The square footage of a house (x) may, for example, have a nonlinear connection with the price in a housing price prediction model. For the model to effectively represent this connection, (x2) must be included as a feature.


  • Record intricate connections between goal variables and characteristics.
  • When there is a nonlinear relationship between the characteristics and the target, it can enhance the performance of linear models.


  • Overfitting may result from adding more features.
  • Expensive to compute for big datasets or high-degree polynomials.

2. Log Transformation

Log transformation is the process of taking a numerical feature's logarithm. When there is skewness in the data or a multiplicative rather than additive connection between the variables, it is very helpful. The log transformation stabilizes the variance and improves the Gaussianity of the data.

Use Cases and Examples:

  • Right-skewed variables, including income or population statistics, are frequently subjected to log transformation.
  • In financial analysis, for example, log-transforming stock prices can improve data stationarity and statistical analytical capabilities.


  • Lessens the effect of anomalies.
  • Aids in managing data distributions that are skewed.


  • It does not apply to values that are zero or negative.
  • The transformation might not always produce ideal Gaussian distributions.

3. Box-Cox Transformation

The family of power transformations known as the Box-Cox transformation includes both square root and logarithmic manipulations. The transformation type that is utilized is dictated by the parameterized lambda value.

Use Cases and Examples:

  • When working with non-normally distributed data, the Box-Cox transformation is helpful.
  • One way to stabilize data variance before employing forecasting models is by the application of the Box-Cox transformation in time series analysis.


  • Capable of managing an extensive variety of data distributions.
  • Permits fine-tuning via the lambda parameter.


  • Demands that the statistics be only positive.
  • The lambda parameter selection process may be arbitrary and necessitate cross-validation.

Feature Selection Techniques:

1. Filter Methods

Filter methods are feature selection strategies that assess features' inherent qualities without using machine learning algorithms. Typically, these techniques use heuristic algorithms or statistical measurements to rank or score attributes. Chi-square tests, mutual information, and correlation coefficients are examples of common filtering techniques.

Use Cases and Examples:

  • Correlation Coefficient: A filter technique such as correlation coefficient aids in the identification of strongly associated characteristics in a dataset with many features. For example, there may be a strong correlation between factors such as square footage and the number of bedrooms when forecasting housing values.
  • In classification problems involving categorical data, the Chi-Square Test is a frequently employed approach for feature selection. When it comes to identifying relevant phrases that distinguish legitimate emails from spam, for instance, the chi-square test can be useful.


  • Dependent on the machine learning method.
  • Computationally efficient for big datasets.


  • Ignores feature interactions.
  • Vulnerable to noisy data.

2. Wrapper Methods

Using machine learning algorithms trained on several feature subsets, wrapper approaches pick subsets of features by assessing their performance. These approaches, which frequently employ strategies like forward selection, backward elimination, or recursive feature elimination, entail iterating over different feature combinations and choosing the subset that maximizes a predetermined performance parameter.

Use Cases and Examples:

  • Forward Selection: Using an empty set of features as a starting point, forward selection adds features one at a time while monitoring the model's performance along the way. Gene selection in microarray data analysis is a popular use of this strategy in bioinformatics.
  • Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE): RFE is a feature removal technique that iteratively eliminates features by assigning a value to each feature until the ideal feature subset is found. Choosing pertinent characteristics from high-dimensional picture data is a common use for image classification problems.


  • Can result in improved predicted accuracy when compared to filter approaches.
  • Considers feature interactions and their combined influence on model performance.


  • Requires a lot of computation, particularly when working with big feature sets.
  • Significant hyperparameter tweaking may be necessary to maximize efficiency.

3. Embedded Methods

As part of the model training procedure, embedded techniques carry out feature selection. By including feature selection in the model creation step, these strategies enable training to determine which characteristics are most important. Regularisation methods like Lasso (L1 regularisation) and tree-based algorithms like Random Forests are common examples.

Use Cases and Examples:

  • Lasso Regression (L1 Regularisation): This method forces some coefficients to be absolutely zero by penalizing the absolute size of the coefficients. Because of this characteristic, it is an ideal feature selection method, especially for linear regression problems where feature sparsity is required.
  • Random Forests: These decision trees rank features according to how much they contribute to lowering impurity using feature significance scores. During the model training process, features with higher significance scores are kept, and features with lower importance scores are pruned.


  • Resistant to overfitting, particularly in ensemble techniques like Random Forests
  • Handles feature interactions and nonlinear connections automatically.


  • Performance is highly dependent on the selection of the underlying model and its hyperparameters.
  • It may not always capture complicated feature relationships as well as wrapper techniques.

Evaluation Metrics for Feature Engineering:

1. Accuracy

One of the easiest measures to employ when assessing a model's performance in feature engineering is accuracy. Out of all the occurrences, it calculates the percentage of correctly categorized instances. Accuracy in feature engineering measures the extent to which the engineered features enhance the model's overall predictive capacity.

2. Precision and Recall

Out of all the positive predictions the model makes, precision indicates the percentage of accurate positive predictions. It centers on the significance of the anticipated favorable occurrences.

Conversely, recall quantifies the percentage of real positive cases in the collection that correspond to true positive predictions. It highlights the model's capacity to detect all positive cases, even false positives.

3. F1 Score

Precision and recall are harmonic means, and the F1 score strikes a balance between both. Because it considers both false positives and false negatives, this statistic helps assess a model's overall performance.

The F1 score aids in comprehending the trade-off between recall and accuracy in feature engineering. It is especially useful when there is an unequal distribution of classes or when minimizing false positives and false negatives is necessary.

4. ROC-AUC Score

AUC and the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve are used to assess how well binary classification algorithms perform at different threshold values.

To illustrate the trade-off between sensitivity and specificity, the ROC curve shows the true positive rate (TPR) versus the false positive rate (FPR) at different threshold levels.


To sum up, conventional feature engineering models cover a variety of methods that are crucial for raising the accuracy of machine learning models. These models maximize feature representation by use of techniques including encoding, scaling, transformation, and selection. Strict assessment criteria guarantee their effectiveness, which helps create more sophisticated and successful prediction models.