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Types Of Determiners


In English, most of us understand what a noun or verb is. However, there is one key article of speech that is equally important to understand: the determiner.

Determiners are a type of noun modifier; they come before and must be accompanied by nouns. While adjectives serve a similar purpose, the term "determiner" pertains to a relatively small group of well-established words that could be said to "mark" nouns.

Types Of Determiners

Determiners' purpose is to 'express reference,' that is, to specify what a noun refers to. For instance, when one mentions 'that package,' the listener understands which package is being alluded to.

Definition And Meaning of Determiners

Determiners - terms or phrases that come before a noun or noun phrase and help to convey its reference in context / to provide extra info about the noun - play an important part in English grammar.

The definite and indefinite articles, the and a, an, are by far the most prevalent. Other English determiners comprise demonstratives like this and that, possessives like my and the kid's, and quantifiers like all, many, and four.

Locate the term directly in front of a noun to discover clarifying terms. These terms can also be used preceding adjectives that describe a noun.

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This is kitty is very obedient and knows how to count.

The word and is a conjunction in the phrase concerning the kitty.

Types of Determiners

There are two major categories.

Determiners are classified into two types: general and specific.

Use broad terms when you can't remember the exact details and aren't alluding to a particular person or item. Some of the most common words are a, an, many, other, what, and so on.

  1. Many kitties were licking milk from the bowl.
  2. Many pups were growling last evening.

To refer to something precise, use precise words. The most common are the, my, your, his, her, and so on.

  1. My parrot has been screaming all day.
  2. My kitty was sleeping all night.
  3. My pillow is very soft.
  4. His table is very spacious.
  5. Her wallet is extremely beautiful.
Types Of Determiners

Determiners List

In the English language, there are 5 categories of determiner terms. Articles, demonstratives, Distributive, possessives, and quantifiers are examples of these types. Let's have a look at some samples of each type.

  1. Articles include terms like a, an, and the.
  2. This, these, that, and those are examples of demonstratives.
  3. Quantifiers are precise. Many, many, a lot of, most, some, and any are examples.
  4. A possessive pronoun is a term that clarifies. For example, mine, yours, his, hers, and theirs.
  5. Distributives are all both half, every, each, etc.

You can call numerals like one, ten, and twenty clarifying words as an added bonus.

There are three types of articles: a, an, and the.

Articles That Are Indefinite

A and an are indefinite articles that perform the same function. However, they cannot be used alternately since 'a' is only used in preceding consonants and 'an' is always used in front of vowels.

(Note: use 'an' before 'h' whenever it's silent, as in 'hour' and 'honor'; use 'a' before 'u' and 'eu' when these sound like 'you,' as in 'European' and 'university'.

The indefinite article is used as follows :

  1. To refer to a particular member of a group, section, or category. For instance, She is a physician (profession)/an Indian (nationality)/a Sikh (religion).
  2. To refer to a specific type or instance of something. For example, She has a huge nose/ a thick braid, and a weird mom.
  3. The words 'what' and such come before singular nouns. As an example, What a vehicle! Oh, that's such terrible news !
  4. To refer to a single object, whether a person or a thing. As an example, The robbers took a necklace and a photograph.
  5. Anything that is being stated for the first time. There was a coolness in the atmosphere, for example.

Also, it is important to note the following aspects :

  1. We normally say a hundred, a thousand, a million, and so on.
  2. 'A' is not used arbitrarily to allude to singular items; 'one' is used when the emphasis is needed. There is just one solution to this issue, for example.
Types Of Determiners

Definite Article

In English, 'the' is regarded as the definite article. Its applications are as follows :

  1. Whenever something which has already been addressed to is mentioned again. For example, I spotted a gorgeous girl today in the mall. The gorgeous female, on the other hand, did not notice me.
  2. When both participants in a dialogue are mindful of what is being discussed. As an example, Where is the washroom ?
  3. To refer to distinct objects. For instance, the sun, moon, Venus, and the Jama Masjid.
  4. The usage of superlatives and ordinal numbers (numbers used to rank a set of objects). Mount Everest, for instance, is the highest peak on the planet, while Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon.
  5. To refer to groupings of individuals, geographical places, oceans, and decades or year groups. For instance, the Americans, the Sahara/Pacific, the fifties/sixties/seventies/eighties.


What exactly are quantifiers ?

Types Of Determiners

Determiners have a subclass called quantifiers. They are adjectives or phrases that answer one of two questions :

  1. How many are there ?
  2. How much is it ?

Use of a Quantifier :

  1. It refers to the quantity.
  2. It is used to convey mood.

As an example :

  • much
  • a little/little/very little
  • a bit (of)
  • a great deal of
  • all
  • enough
  • many
  • a few/few/very few
  • a number (of)
  1. She took all the toys.
  2. She enjoyed all dishes equally.
  3. Few kids like green beans, so the caf stopped offering them.
  4. Many moms teach their babies to eat.


This, that, these, and those are demonstratives; they represent the location of an object as viewed by the speaker.

Types Of Determiners

This and these (for singular and plural nouns, respectively) refer to nearby objects. For instance :

Whose automobile is this ?

Whose vehicles are these ?

That and those (used for singular and plural nouns, etc.) allude to distant objects. Physical or psychological intimacy can exist.

For instance ,

Who resides in that residence ?

Who eats those candies ?


Cardinal (one, two, three, and so on) and ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc.). Cardinal numerals are adjectives that imply quantity (There are 3 oranges in the drawer), whereas ordinal numbers suggest ranking or ordering (This is the second time for me on an airplane).


Distributives include the terms all, both, half, each, every, either, and neither.

All, both, and a half - These three terms can be employed as follows :


Uncountable Noun:

Brenda is considered to be the greatest cricketer of all time.

'the' + singular uncountable noun/plural countable noun

  1. We have all the responsibility for children.
  2. All the individuals in the auditorium went silent.

'my,' 'your,' and so on + uncountable noun/countable noun in the plural

  1. All my career, I have been preparing for this to happen.
  2. All your mates have been invited to the event.

'this, that' Plus uncountable noun/'these, that' + countable noun in the plural

Take a glance at all this sand !

I don't have room for all of these activities.


'the'/'my', 'your', and so on/'these', 'those' Plus countable nouns in plural form (note: utilized only whenever two objects are being addressed to).

  1. Both the pups have died suddenly.
  2. Both my legs have been paining since I leaped from the verandah.
  3. Both these records must be restored within the week.


'a' plus an uncountable noun

We purchased half a kilo of wheat.

'the'/'my', 'your', and so on/

'this,' 'that,' 'these,' and 'those' + noun

  1. Half the town drowned in the flash flooding.
  2. I spent half my wealth on touring the world.
  3. Visitors can have half (of) this dessert.
  4. Only half of those things are significant.
Types Of Determiners

Possessive Determiners

Possessive pronouns and adjectives show to whom an item belongs.

The pronouns are as follows :

  1. This truck is mine (in the first person: This truck is mine = I own this truck).
  2. This auto is yours (second person: You own this auto).

His, hers, and its (third-person: This auto is his/hers = He/she owns this auto).

Types Of Determiners

The relevant adjectives are as follows :



it, his, and her

Few more types of determiners include the difference words, defining words, and the question words. Let us have a look at these in detail.

Difference Words

'Other' and 'another' are 'difference words,' meaning something distinct, remaining, or more. 'Other' is used with both singular and plural nouns, whereas 'another' is only utilized with singular nouns.

What other shades are available ?

Is there another shade available for this ?

Defining Words

Which and whose are 'defining words,' indicating what or who is being addressed to.

This is the mansion which I used to reside in as a kid.

This is the gentleman whose windshield you smashed.

Question Words or Interrogative

There are a variety of terms in the English language that are usually used to form questions; these terms are called as 'question words,' often called as 'WH question words,' attributed to the fact that all of these begin with the alphabet w except got the one that begins with H.

  1. Which novel do you like ?
  2. Which dish do you love eating ?
  3. What task does she do daily ?
  4. Whose pen did you use ?

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