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Types Of Noun

Noun implies to the words or the terms that refer to people, locations, objects, or ideas. There are various sorts of nouns included by the overarching concept. Read on to learn the fundamental categories of the various sorts of nouns in English, as well as instances of these nouns in use.

Types Of Noun

What is a Noun?

In simple terms- A noun is a term that refers to anything specific, such as an individual, place, object, or concept. Noun can serve as the subjects or the topics; direct objects, indirect objects, subject complements, object complements, appositives, or adjectives in a statement.

Types Of Noun
Types Of Noun

Types of Noun

Noun make up a major amount of the English language and appear in several forms.

Types Of Noun

Understanding what types of noun - a noun is often beneficial since various sorts have separate regulations. This makes it simple and easy for you to use these properly.

Proper Noun and Common Noun

A proper noun or proper name is one of the common types of noun that represents a distinct entity (like India, Hermes, Saturn, Socrates and so on, as opposed to a common noun, that describes a group of entities (Like a country, animal, planet, individual or ship)

Common Noun: It is one of the most prevalent types of noun.

The majority of nouns are common nouns. People or individuals, locations, and objects in general, such as couch or cat, are e.g. of common nouns. Hence common noun is that any noun that is not a name.

Examples include professor, auto, soundtrack, threat, and invoice.

Did you see my cat?

The magazines are on your table.

...the search for a life that is full of happiness.

Types Of Noun

Proper Nouns- This is another widely recognized in the list of types of noun.

Proper nouns are titles of individuals, places, or organizations. You have a proper noun in your name. The word "Britain" is a proper noun. The word "United States of America" is a proper noun.

Proper nouns must always begin with a capitalized letter.

Mary, Bangkok, Friday, Daniel Craig, Newton, Batman, and Macbeth are other instances.

Please introduce yourself to Marie.

Delhi is the capital of India

Michael is the Bbc World Corporation's president.

I was born in October.

Adjectives derived from proper nouns, such as Shakespearian and Orwellian, normally begin with a capital letter as well.

Types Of Noun

Countable Nouns and Uncountable Nouns

This is one of the types of noun that is categorized on the basis of numbers or quantifiers.

Countable Noun

Count nouns, also known as countable or quantifiable nouns, are common nouns that can have a plural, combination with numbers or counting quantifiers (- for example, one, two, numerous, every, many), and accept an indefinite article like as an or an (in languages that have these kinds of articles). Seat, nose, and event are instances of a count noun.

Mass Noun or Uncountable Noun

Mass nouns, also known as uncountable (or non-count) nouns, vary from count nouns simply that they cannot take plurals or be combined with number words or the above types of quantifiers. It is not conceivable, for instance, to allude to furniture or three furniture. This is applicable even if the pieces of furniture that makeup furniture could be enumerated. Thus, the difference between mass and count nouns should be formed not on the basis of what the nouns relate to but on how the nouns represent these elements.

Several nouns have both countable and uncountable forms. Many nouns can be counted and uncounted; for instance, soda is countable in "bring me four sodas," but uncountable in "he loves soda."

Uncountable and Countable Nouns- Examples

Let us have a look at a few of the examples to have a better understanding of these types of noun.

Countable Nouns

(also known as count nouns)

These nouns can be quantified or counted. Singular and plural types exist for countable nouns.

Examples include a ball, a girl, a dog, and a person.

  • I have only 5 cents.
  • Earth was created 4.5 billion years.
  • There are many individuals, but we do not have an automobile.

Uncountable Nouns (also called as mass nouns)

Uncountable nouns cannot be counted. To measure them, you must utilize "measure words."

Uncountable nouns should never be used with the indefinite article (a/an). Uncountable nouns are never plural.

Examples include water, happiness, and cheese.

  • Does she have any money?
  • Heaters consume a substantial amount of energy.
  • Do you need me to do anything?
  • Most Chinese consume rice.
Types Of Noun

Collective Nouns

Next in the list of types of noun is Collective nouns. Although inflected for the singular, this is a noun that relates to group that is comprising of more than one individual or entity. Committees, govt, and police are a few instances. In English language, this type of nouns can be accompanied with a singular or plural verb and addressed to or by a singular or plural pronoun. The singular is preferable when alluding to the body as a whole, and the plural is frequently preferred, especially in British English when stressing the individual members. Gowers' instances of appropriate and undesirable usage in Plain Words include:

"A committee has been formed to look into this matter." (Single form)

"The committee were not able to reach an agreement." (Plural form)

Collective nouns describe groupings of individuals or things, such as an audience, a community, the government, a squad, or a panel. Most collective noun in English are handled as singular, with a singular verbs:

The entire family was seated at the sofa.

The prior statement is true in British Language, but it is also right to designate the collective noun as a plural noun, with a plural verb:

The entire group were seated at the sofa.

A noun can be categorized in more than one ways. Happiness, for instance, is indeed a common and an abstract noun, whereas Mount Everest is also a concrete and a proper noun.

Some more examples of these types of noun are

Examples: class (group of learners), pride (group of lions), crew (group of sailors)

Concrete and Abstract Noun

Concrete Noun

Another noun in the list of types of noun is Concrete Noun.

Concrete nouns are tangible objects that can, at least in theory (i.e., Distinct school of philosophy and science may challenge the claim, but for general, people will agree on the reality about something.

For example, a stone, a plant, or the cosmos), be seen by at least one of senses (for e.g., couch, mango, Janet or atom).

Abstract Noun

Another noun in the list of types of noun is Abstract Noun.

In contrast, abstract nouns relate to abstract items, such as thoughts or concepts (such as justice or hatred). While this distinction is not always absolute, some nouns have different senses, both for concrete and abstract ones: for instance, the noun art, which typically alludes to a notion (e.g., Art is a crucial component of human culture.) but can also allude to a certain artwork in some contexts (e.g., I hung my child's paintings on the refrigerator.)

Some abstract nouns arose etymologically due to figurative expansion from literal origins. Disadvantage, proportion, holdout, and uptake are examples of these. Likewise, certain nouns have abstract and concrete meanings, developing from the former through figurative extension. Views, filters, structures, and keys are examples of these.

In English Grammar, several abstract noun are generated by addition of a suffix like (-ness, -ity, -ion) to adjective or verb.

Happiness (derived from the adjective happy), circulation (derived from the verb circulate), and serenity are among examples (derived from the adjective serene).

Now let us have a look at the examples of these types of noun

Concrete Noun

Concrete nouns are tangible objects that can be touched.

Woman, rice, nose, bike, furnishings, mobile phones are some instances.

What is the number of stars in the universe?

Have you had the pleasure of meeting Daniel Craig?

Fill the tub with warm liquid and pour it down the drain.

Abstract Noun

These nouns are the polar opposite of concrete nouns. They are items that you are not permitted to touch. Ideas, concepts, and sentiments are instances of abstract noun.

Examples include joy, bravery, danger, and the truth.

He has a lot of power.

Who assassinated President John F. Kennedy remains a mystery.

It takes bravery to say the truth at times.

Our lives were filled with sadness.

Compound Noun

Another noun in the list of types of noun is Compound Noun.

A compound noun is one that is made from two or more terms or words. The majority of compound nouns are either [noun + noun] or [adjective + noun].

Each compound noun functions as a standalone entity that can be supplemented with adjectives and other nouns.

There are three types of compound nouns:

open or spaced - the amount of space among words (bus stop)

hyphenated - a hyphen placed between two words (mother-in-law)

There should be no space or hyphen between words if they are closed or solid (football)

Examples include dog food, a chalkboard, brunch, the full moon, a dishwasher, and a computer.

Is it alright if we use the pool?

They finish their task at sunset.

Remember that check-out is at 12 p.m.

Singular and Plural Noun

Singular Noun

Another noun in the list of types of noun is Singular Noun.

A singular noun denotes a single person, place, or thing.

My brother lives at the house.

This lunch was very amazing.

Last night, I stayed in a motel.

Plural Noun

Another noun in the list of types of noun is Plural Noun.

A plural noun implies to multiple people, places, or things.

In the last five years, I've lived in three separate flats.

This summer, I intend to take at least two trips.

I have 3 samples to write before the deadline on Friday.

Possessive Noun

Another noun in the list of types of noun is Possessive Noun.

Possessive nouns indicate that a person, place, or object owns something. They usually finish with "s," like plural nouns, but possessive nouns contain an apostrophe just before "s." Find or search for an apostrophe to help you find them.

Melissa's mind took flight as she fantasized about her vacation to Ireland.

Ireland's scenery is absolutely stunning.

The noisy newsprint is the puppy's chew hobby.

Types Of Noun

Material Noun

Another noun in the list of types of noun is Material Noun.

These nouns are nouns that imply to the material or substances from which object or things are formed. Take the word "cotton." When the phrase "cotton dress" is used, it is an adjective. Cotton, on the other hand, is a material noun when it is utilized to define the crop that is utilized to manufacture fabric.

In our t-shirts, we use cotton from a nearby farm.

My engagement ring is composed of platinum.

Protein consumption promotes mass muscle growth.

Types Of Noun

Words That Function as Nouns

Apart from the types of nouns there are words when they occur in statements, a few additional types of words can function as nouns.


When referring to persons, places, or things, personal pronouns play the role of nouns and thereby perform the part of a noun in a phrase.

Amy is employed at a floral business. She likes her job.

The Greeks developed democracy. They desired liberty and equality.

Mari likes pizza with olives. The last bite of the pizza is hers.

Jen is footing the bill for the tickets. Give the cash to her.

Things are not looking good for Jo and Kyle. The cops are on the lookout for them.


These are verb that also serve as noun. They're a little amusing because gerund instances look to be verbs upon first glance. In reality, they are operating as a noun. Isn't that amusing? Here's an illustration:

Do you mind my lending these boots?

The verb in this statement is "mind." and the noun "lending," is the direct object of the phrase. When you come across a word ending in -ing, take a moment to consider where it fits in the phrase.

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