University Management System in C++

In universities, a lot of data is analyzed, and the outcomes are used to the management of organizations. The list of colleges and their many streams, as well as the department that handles exams and results, are all kept up to date by the university management system. The result of the project contains menus and submenus, which gives it an orderly appearance.

The object-oriented platform on which the University Management System is built uses the C++ programming language. It basically keeps track of the list of colleges that relate to the university and the many programs they provide. Additionally, the project uses a good menu system to maintain and manage the examination and result departments.

Program Breakdown

Including all the necessary files to avoid any kind of error.

The above code will use to create the class for student which will going to have the data variables like.

The above code will use to get the file which is saved as college.txt

The above code will use to sort the students record in a bubble sort fashion which will have a complexity of O(n^2).

The above code will use to insert new data into the college students record.

The above code will use to write the result of the bubble sort function performed on the data of the college students into the college txt file.

The above code will use to search registration of a student in the college int the data file created for the student.

The above code will use to search the name of a student in the record file created for the student.

The above code will use to search the branch.

The above code will use to show the result.

The above code will use to delete the stored data.

The above code will use to edit the data.

The above code will be the switch cases for the system.


                             University Management System

                        Enter <1> to Add new student
                        Enter <2> to Display all student
                        Enter <3> to Remove student
                        Enter <4> to Edit student
                        Enter <5> to Search student
                        Enter <0> to Exit

                        Enter Your Choice:1

 Enter name: John Miller

 Enter roll no: 1001

 Enter Branch: Computer Science

 Press [Y] to enter more: Y

 Enter name: Daisy Smith

 Enter roll no: 1002

 Enter Branch: Computer Science

 Press [Y] to enter more: N

                             University Management System
                        Enter <1> to Add new student
                        Enter <2> to Display all student
                        Enter <3> to Remove student
                        Enter <4> to Edit student
                        Enter <5> to Search student
                        Enter <0> to Exit

                        Enter Your Choice:2
Display Records
 Name - John Miller
 Reg no.- 1001
 Branch - Computer Science

 Name - Daisy Smith
 Reg no. - 1002
 Branch - Computer Science
Press any key to continue . . .

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