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unordered_multimap load_factor() function in C++

In C++, an associative container called an unordered_multimap holds elements made up of a key and a mapped value. While it supports many components with the same key, it is comparable to unordered_map. The main benefit of utilizing unordered_multimap is that it allows companies to be accessed quickly based on their keys.

Unordered multimap operates on a hash table data structure internally. In this structure, the hash function is used to map keys to their corresponding values. Large datasets can benefit greatly from this hashing approach because it allows for constant-time average complexity for the majority of operations.

The significance of load factor():-

In unordered_multimap, the load_factor() function is essential to comprehending the hash table's current state. It shows the proportion of elements kept in the unordered_multimap divided by the number of storage buckets used. The load factor essentially shows how filled the container is. The hash table's performance is directly impacted by the load factor.

In order to maintain an appropriate load factor, the container dynamically increases the number of buckets as elements are added to the unordered_multimap. This dynamic resizing technique ensures that performance stays at its best by balancing the number of items and buckets.


The load_factor() function has the following syntax:-

The load factor of the unordered_multimap is currently represented by a double number returned by the function load_factor(). As it is a const member function, it ensures that neither iterations of the container are made nor exceptions are thrown.

Comprehending Load Factor in Real-World Circumstances:-

The unordered_multimap's performance and efficiency are shown by the load factor. It is usually a recommended practice to keep the load factor within a specific range to maintain optimal performance.

Upon exceeding a certain threshold (often 1.0), the unordered_multimap automatically adjusts its size by reallocating memory and augmenting the number of buckets to handle a greater amount of entries. Rehashing each element is required for this resizing step, which might be computationally costly.

On the other hand, if the load factor is too low, the constant-time complexity of the hash table may not be fully utilized, and memory may go unused.

Techniques for Managing Load Factors:-

There are several techniques for managing load factors in C++. Some main techniques are as follows:

Monitoring Load Factor:-

  • Developers can use load_factor() to periodically verify the load factor to monitor the status of the unordered_multimap.
  • It helps in determining whether the data structure should be tuned or optimized for improved performance.

Setting Up Space:-

  • Memory can be reserved in advance for a specific amount of elements by using the reserve() function.
  • It can avoid frequent resizing and optimize memory usage in situations where the amount of elements to be stored is known ahead of time.

Load Factor Threshold Adjustment:-

  • Modifying the threshold for load factor has an effect on the frequency of resizing.
  • A higher threshold may result in fewer resizing operations, but it may also cause the system to use more RAM.
  • On the other hand, a lower threshold could maximize memory use but result in more resizing.


Let us take an example to illustrate the use of the unordered multimap load factor function in C++.


unordered_multimap load_factor() function in C++



  • Initially, an empty unordered_multimap (myMap) is constructed.

Load Factor Display:-

  • The code starts by displaying the empty map's load factor, which is 0.00.

Insertion and Alteration of Load Factor:-

  • Elements (key-value pairs) are added to myMap continually during the loop.
  • The load factor is shown following each insertion, illustrating how the load factor varies as additional pieces are added.

Observation of Load Factor:-

  • Upon inserting items, the load factor progressively rises.
  • When new components are added to the unordered_multimap, the load factor sheds light on how it maintains its internal structure and may even cause resizing operations to preserve efficiency.

Program Termination:-

  • The program ends after showing how the load factor changes with the addition of 50 items.


In conclusion, an important tool for keeping an eye on the effectiveness and performance of hash tables is the load_factor() function found in C++'s unordered_multimap. The speed and memory use of the application can be greatly affected by comprehending and controlling the load factor. Through the use of techniques such as space reservation, load factor threshold adjustments, and monitoring, developers can fine-tune the unordered_multimap to get the best possible performance for differing applications.

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