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Using SQL Server Management Studio to connect to SQL Server

How does SQL Server Management Studio connect to the SQL Server?

You should do the following in order to connect to the SQL Server using SQL Server Management Studio.

  • Click the Start button first.
  • Choose Every Programme.
  • Select the version of Microsoft SQL Server that is currently installed on your computer; in my instance, it is 2014.
  • When you finally click on the SQL Server Management Studio, the window below will open.

Step 1: Choose the Type of Server.

We should select Database Engine as the Server Type in this instance as we can connect to a SQL Server database. We refer to those as MSBI, or Microsoft Business Intelligence.

  • Database Engine: Massive amounts of data are stored, retrieved, adjusted, and stabilised using SQL Server's valuable database engine. The data will be kept in the database engine as tables or a 2-D format.
  • Integration Services (SSIS): An effective tool for converting one database table into another that can be understood is the SQL Server Integration Service (SSIS). For instance, Oracle's comprehensible table format is being used to convert SQL Server database tables.

Step 2: Specify the Server Name:

  • The IP address or name of the SQL Server is unquestionably the server call.Another thing to consider is that, if the SQL Server is connected to your computer, you can input the server name as a dot (.) or 127.Zero.0.1 or something similar.
  • Server name = (local)

Step 3: Select "Authentication":

  • Windows authentication and SQL Server authentication are the two forms of authentication available in SQL Server.
  • However, how you installed the SQL Server will determine this. If you choose mixed-mode authentication during installation, you will be able to access the SQL Server database using both Windows and SQL Server authentication, or you will only be able to use Windows authentication.
  • Windows Authentication: SQL Server uses this as its default authentication method. We will work with the user admin in Windows authentication.
  • Because the operating system generates the user ID and password by default while using Windows authentication mode, there is no need to enter them manually.
  • SQL Server Authentication: We'll focus on the current user during this process.
  • The user ID and password (which are created by the user during the installation of the SQL Server software) must be entered when utilising SQL Server authentication.

You are in charge of connecting to the SQL Server.After you enter the required information and press the Connect button, the SQL Server Database will be accessed. After connecting, select the New Query option, which is located in the upper left corner of SQL Server Management Studio.

Use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and follow these procedures to connect to a SQL Server:

Open SQL Server Management Studio on your computer by clicking on this link.It's usually found in the Start menu, under Microsoft SQL Server.

  1. Connect to Server: After SSMS opens, a request to establish a server connection will appear. Either selecting "Connect" from the File menu or clicking the "Connect" button within the Object Explorer window will accomplish this.
  2. Server Connection Dialogue: The "Connect to Server" dialogue box requires you to enter the server type, server call, authentication method, and, if you'd like, the database name.
  3. Server Type: Select "Database Engine" under Server Type if you are connecting to a SQL Server database.
  4. Server Name: Type the SQL Server instance's name or IP address here to establish a connection.
  5. Authentication:Select the authentication technique that best suits your needs. Either SQL Server authentication or Windows authentication is available.
  6. Sign in: If you select SQL Server Authentication, be sure your login and password are correct.
  7. Remember password: If you would want SSMS to remember your password for upcoming connections, you can optionally tick this box, though it is not advised for security reasons.
  8. Connect to database: You can designate a specific database here if you want to connect directly to it. Otherwise, leave it at " ".
  9. Connect: Click the "Connect" button once you have entered the required data to establish a connection to the SQL Server sample.
  10. Examine Databases: The databases, tables, views, stored methods, and other devices that are accessible on the SQL Server instance might be shown inside the Object Explorer window after a successful connection.

With SSMS, you may now work with the databases and carry out different operations.


As a result, connecting to a SQL Server using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is simple. It must provide the type of server, call, authentication method, and, if desired, the database that the connection is to be established with. When connected, SSMS provides an easy-to-use interface for managing databases, running searches, and doing other administrative tasks.

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