Top 30+ Most Asked Verilog Interview Questions

Following is the list of most frequently asked Verilog interview questions and their best possible answers.

1) What is Verilog?

Verilog is a Hardware Description Language (HDL) used for describing a digital system such as a network switch, a microprocessor, a memory, or a flip-flop. Verilog is mainly used to verify analog circuits, mixed-signal circuits, and the design of genetic circuits. It is also used in the design and verification of digital circuits at the register-transfer level of abstraction.

Verilog supports a design mainly at the following three levels of abstraction:

  • Behavioral level
  • Register-transfer level
  • Gate level

2) Who is the founder of the Verilog programming language?

Verilog was introduced by Prabhu Goel, Phil Moorby, Chi-Lai Huang, and Douglas Warmke between late 1983 and early 1984.

3) What is VHDL? / What is the full form of VHDL in VLSI?

VHDL is an acronym that stands for Very high-speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language. It is a programming language used to describe circuits in digital systems and model the digital system by using dataflow, behavioral and structural style of modeling.

4) What are the different variants of the VHDL?

VHDL is defined by IEEE standards and has mainly two common variants:

  • VHDL-1987
  • VHDL-1993

5) What are the main usages of VHDL?

Following are the main usages of VHDL:

  • VHDL is hardware describing language used to describe the behavior of electronic circuits, most commonly digital circuits.
  • It is mainly used to design hardware and create test entities to verify the behavior of that hardware.
  • It is used as a design entry format by various EDA tools, such as synthesis tools, simulation tools, and formal verification tools.

6) Are Verilog and VHDL the same?

Verilog and VHDL are not identical. They are different, and the main difference between Verilog and VHDL is that Verilog is based on C language while VHDL is based on Ada and Pascal languages.

7) What is the difference between Verilog and VHDL?

Difference between Verilog and VHDL:

Although both Verilog and VHDL are Hardware Description Languages (HDL) used to describe digital system hardware such as microprocessors and flip-flops. These languages are different from common programming languages. Let's compare them to see the main differences between them:

Verilog is a kind of Hardware Description Languages (HDL) that is used to model electronic systems.VHDL is a kind of Hardware Description Languages (HDL) used in electronic design automation to describe digital and mixed-signal systems such as field-programmable gate arrays and integrated circuits.
Verilog is a newer language than VHDL, as it was introduced in 1984.VHDL is an older Hardware Description Languages as compared to Verilog as it was introduced in 1980.
Verilog is based on the C language.VHDL is based on Ada and Pascal languages.
Verilog is a case-sensitive language.VHDL is not a case-sensitive language.
Verilog is a simple and easy-to-learn language.VHDL is complex in comparison to the Verilog language.
Verilog mainly focuses on hardware modeling but has a lower level of programming constructs. So, it is not as verbose as VHDL.VHDL is a rich and strongly typed language. It is deterministic and more verbose than Verilog.
Verilog is more compact than VHDL.In VHDL, you have to write more lines of code.
Verilog is weakly typed and deterministic. All data types are predefined in Verilog, and each has a bit-level representation.VHDL is self-documenting and often catches errors missed by Verilog. It focuses on unambiguous semantics and also allows portability between tools.

8) What are HDL simulators?

HDL simulators are software packages that are used to simulate expressions written in one of the Hardware Description Languages, such as Verilog, VHDL, SystemVerilog.

9) What is the difference between blocking and non-blocking in Verilog?

There are two types of procedural assignment statements in Verilog known as blocking and non-blocking. You can identify them as they use different assignment operators represented by the symbols = and <=.

  • Blocking: The blocking assignment statement is very much similar to older programming languages. As the name suggests, it blocks the current process until it complete. It completes the entire statement at once before control moves on to the following statement.
  • Non-blocking: The non-blocking assignment statement or operator assesses all the right-hand sides for the current time unit and chooses the left-hand sides later after the time unit.

10) What do you understand by Verilog full case statements and Verilog parallel case statements?

There are two types of case statements in Verilog.

  • Verilog full case statements
  • Verilog parallel case statements

Verilog full case statements

The Verilog full case statements are statements in which binary patterns of every potential case expression can match either a case item or default. If your considered case statement does not involve a case default and is likely to discover a binary case expression that does not match any of the defined case items, the case statement would not be considered full.

Verilog parallel case statements

A parallel case statement is a statement where it matches a case expression, just one case item. If you can find a case expression that would fit more than one case item, the matching case items are called 'overlapping case items,' and the case statement would be not parallel."

11) What are the main differences between Task and Function in Verilog?

Following is a list of main differences between a Task and a Function in Verilog:

In Verilog, a function cannot enable a task; however, a function can enable other functions.In Verilog, tasks can enable a function as well as enable other versions of tasks.
A function cannot contain any event, delay, or timing control statements because they are not permitted.A task can contain any event, delay, or timing control statements because it is allowed to contain any of these statements.
A function can carry out its required duty in zero simulation time because the program time is not incremented during the function routine.Tasks also run with a zero simulation. But if required, they can also be executed in a non-zero simulation time.
At the time of the invocation of a function, it must pass at least one argument.A task is allowed to use zero or more arguments of type output or input.
Functions only return a single value and cannot use either output or input statements.A task cannot return a value but can pass multiple values via the output and input statements.

12) What is the full form of PLI? Why is it used?

PLI is an acronym that stands for Programming Language Interface. It is a mechanism that facilitates interfacing between Verilog programs and programs written in C language. It also provides a mechanism used to access the internal databases of the simulator within the C program. Using Verilog syntax, the users can utilize PLI to implement difficult system calls. It also provides the advantage of both the parallel and hardware-related features of Verilog and the sequential progress of a C program.

13) What do you understand by Sensitivity list?

The sensitivity list is used to specify that when you make changes in any one of the elements in the list change, begin end statement inside that always will get executed.

14) What is the difference between == and === in Verilog?

Following is a list of main differences between == and === in Verilog:

In Verilog, the main difference between == and === is that the output of == can be either 1, 0 or X.On the other hand, the output of === can only be 0 or 1.
If you compare two numbers using == and if one or both the figures have one or more bits as X, then the output would be X.If you are comparing two numbers using ===, the output would be 0 or 1.
== can only be used to compare 1s and 0s since it cannot compare Xs.=== can also be used to compare Xs.

15) What do you understand by $monitor, $display, and $strobe?

The $monitor, $display, and $strobe are commands with similar syntax and show text on the screen while running a simulation. These commands are typically less convenient to use than waveform tools, such as cwaves. The $display and $strobe command appear once each time you execute them, but the $monitor command is used to display each time you change one of the parameters.

The main difference between the $display and the $strobe command is that the $strobe command is used to display the parameters after the current simulation time unit. On the other hand, the $display command displays the parameters when you execute it. In these commands, the format sequence is similar to C/C++ and sometimes contains format characters. The most commonly-used format characters are "%d" for decimal, "%h" for hexadecimal, "%b" for binary, "%c" for character, "%s" for string, "%t" for time, and "%m" for hierarchy level.

16) What is the difference between $monitor and $display?

The $monitor and $display are system functions or command and are used to see the test bench results. Following is a list of some key differences between $monitor and $display.

The monitor is used to make changes in the value of the signal. A signal can be variable, string, or expression.It is used to display the value of a signal.
The monitor command can be invoked only once.The display command can be invoked more than once.

17) What are the main differences between Wire and Reg?

Key differences between Wire and Reg

The wire is used to assume value.Reg is used to hold value.
Wire requires drivers to get output values.Reg does not need a driver to get output.
The wire elements can only be used to model combinational logic.The reg elements can also be used for combinational as well as sequential logic.
We can use wire at the left-hand side of an assigned statement.We cannot use reg on the left-hand side of an assigned statement.

18) What is the process to execute blocking and non-blocking assignments?

There is a simple process to execute blocking and non-blocking assignments. To execute blocking assignments, we have to use a simple process of evaluating the right-hand side equation and updating the left-hand side expression without interference from another Verilog statement. A function of a blocking assignment is to block trailing assignments until after the completion of the current assignment. On the other hand, the process of executing non-blocking assignments needs two steps:

  • Evaluate the right-hand side of all non-blocking statements at the start of the time step.
  • Update the left-hand side of all non-blocking statements after the time step.

19) What do you understand by continuous assignment?

In Verilog, the continuous assignment statements are used to model combinational logic. By combinational logic, we mean the digital logic implemented by Boolean circuits. In combinational logic, the output is a pure function only of present inputs. The combinational logic is completely different from sequential logic, where the present input depends on the present input and the past inputs. The continuous assignment statements are implemented with an assigned statement or with a wire declaration.

A continuous assignment is used to drive values to the net. The left-hand side can be scalar, vector net, or concatenation of both, while the right-hand side can be scalar or vector net or register or concatenation of both.

20) What are the full case and parallel case statements?

Full case statement: The full case is a case statement in which all possible case expressions can be matched with case items or case default.

Parallel case statement: A parallel case statement is a case statement in which it is possible to match a case expression with one and only one case item. If you find a case expression that would match more than one case item, the matching case is called an overlapping or non-parallel statement.

21) What do you understand by transport delay and inertial delay?

Transport delay: Transport delay is a type of delay caused by the wires that connect to the gates. Due to the wire's resistance and inductance, it delays the signal.

Inertial delay: The inertial delay is the time it takes for a gate to change its output.

22) How can you write an FSM code in Verilog?

There are mainly four ways to write FSM code in Verilog:

  • Using the first method where all input decoders, present state, and output decoder are combined in one process.
  • Using the second method where all combinational circuits and sequential circuits are separated in a different process.
  • Using the third method, where input decoder and present state are combined, and output decoder are separated in other processes.
  • Using the fourth method, all three input decoders, present state, and output decoder are separated into three processes.

23) In a pure combinational circuit, is it necessary to mention all the inputs in the sensitivity disk? If yes, then why?

Yes. In a pure combinational circuit, it is necessary to mention all the inputs in the sensitivity disk; otherwise, you will get a pre and post-synthesis mismatch in the result.

24) Which will be updated first between variable and signal?

Signals are updated first between variable and signal.

25) What do you understand by the freeze, deposit, drive, and force command in Verilog?

The freeze, deposit, drive, and force are commands used in Verilog that can be defined in the following way:

  • Freeze: The freeze command is used to put a value on the signal. This value remains the same throughout the simulation and cannot be overwritten by simulation.
  • Deposit: The deposit command is also used to value the signal, but it will hold until it is overwritten. For example, if you deposit 0 to a flip flop, it will remain a '0' until the simulation updates it to a new value. It is like giving an initial value to a signal.
  • Drive: The drive command is used to put a value to a signal, and if it is updated by simulation, it will then 'resolve' to a new value. For example, if you drive a signal to '1', and the simulation value is '0', the signal will go 'X.'
  • Force: The force is a powerful Verilog command which you can use to drive signals at any timestamp of your simulation.

26) Write a Verilog code to swap contents of two registers with and without a temporary register?

A Verilog code to swap contents of two registers with a temporary register:

A Verilog code to swap contents of two registers without a temporary register:

27) What does the timescale 1 Ns/ 1 Ps signify in a Verilog code?

The timescale directive is a compiler directive used to measure simulation time or delay time. The timescale / reference_time_unit specifies the unit of measurement for times and delays. The time_precision specifies the precision to which the delays are rounded off.

28) What is the difference between $setup and $hold?

In Verilog, the $setup and $hold are used to monitor the setup and hold time constraints for sequential logic. The setup time is the minimum time in which the data must arrive before the active edge of a clock signal. The hold time is the minimum time in which the data cannot change after the active edge of a clock signal.

These two constraints are defined in the following image:

Verilog Interview Questions

29) How can you generate a sine wave using the Verilog coding style?

In Verilog, the easiest and efficient way to generate sine waves is using CORDIC Algorithm.

30) What do you understand by casex and casez statements in Verilog?

The casex and casez are the types of case statements in Verilog. Here, casez treats all z values in the case alternatives or the case expression as don't cares. All bit positions with z can also be represented by ? in that position. casex treats all x and z values in the case item or the case expression as don't cares. Don't cares are not allowed in the case statement so, we have to use casex and casez.

31) What is a repeat loop in Verilog?

The repeat loop is used to execute loop fixed for several times. It is not used to loop expression such as we see in the while loop statement. It contains constant, variable, or signal. For example, repeat(5).

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