Difference between Webpage and Website

Webpage vs Website

When it comes to the Internet and browsing, the terms Webpage and Website are widely used. Since both terms seem relevant, and most people use them interchangeably, they have many differences.

In this article, we are discussing the significant differences between Webpage and Website, which will help us understand the value of both. This will also help us understand when we are browsing a web page and navigating through a website.

Let's first understand both with the definitions:

What is the Webpage?

A webpage is defined as a single document or a solitary page of any website. Every webpage is attached to a unique URL address used to render or access that particular page. These URLs and webpages can be private or public, depending on how the developers have configured them. Any web browser can be used to navigate URLs, which can also be copied and shared by users. Viewing a website does not usually need any navigation if we have its URL address. However, most URLs are connected to a website that helps developers create a proper sitemap and structured user interface. This also helps with search engine optimization (SEO).

Webpages are created using different programming languages depending on the platform used for the development. Some most common programming languages include HTML, PHP, Python, and Perl, etc. The HTML webpages are considerably faster in loading and include a simple and clean appearance. However, CSS and JavaScript help to build more interactive webpages with validations. Apart from this, the webpages usually include different types of resources to be more interactive and eye-catching. There are two types of webpages: a 'static webpage' and a 'dynamic webpage'.


The following are the characteristics of the webpage:

  • Being a part of a website, the web page contains several topics linked to the website.
  • Different webpages can use the same name (title name), but they should reside in different documents having different URLs.
  • Webpages take less time to be developed as compared to the website.
  • The webpage is relatively easy to develop.

What is a Website?

A website is a collection of several webpages linked together using hyperlinks. All the webpages are linked under a single domain to uniquely identify the website. Websites are the main source of connecting hyperlinks to different sections, and these sections may further include other relevant webpages. Like a webpage, people can easily navigate any website using a web browser and entering the domain address. Websites also follow the same programming languages for the development, which are required for webpage development. However, website development is complex and takes more time.

Websites are usually divided into two main categories, such as static and interactive. Static websites are designed to share information and resources without the involvement and interaction with visitors. Interactive websites allow visitors to interact with other members and the author using the comment box, chatbox, article posting, etc. Some other popular categories are affiliate websites, e-commerce websites, dating websites, social networking websites, etc.

Note: Typically, the websites include many webpages other than homepage, contact, support, blog, forum, about, products, downloads, etc. But sometimes, websites can be built with single entity content having no hyperlinks. Such types of websites are referred to as 'Single-page Website'.


The following are the characteristics of the website:

  • The website is a cluster of different webpages and can include text, media, and other content.
  • The website is presented by a unique domain address.
  • The website takes more time to develop than a webpage.
  • The website is comparatively complex to develop.

Key differences between Webpage and Website

The primary difference between a webpage and a website is that a webpage is a single document on the Internet under a unique URL. In contrast, a website is a collection of multiple webpages in which information on a related topic or other subject is linked together under a domain address.

Few key differences between Webpage and Website are listed below:

  • A webpage is a smaller part of any website having content and links to other webpages. On the contrary, a website is a platform that contains various webpages addressed to certain URLs (Uniform Resource Locators).
  • Each website includes a unique domain address, and all the webpages are linked under a particular domain, which means webpages are dependent on the domain. On the other side, the website does not depend on any of its web pages. It keeps on working even after if ceratin webpages are deleted.
  • A webpage usually includes the extension in its URL, such as .html, .php, .aspx,.htm, etc. Besides, the website address is free from any such extension.
  • A webpage URL may contain a file path (Resource Path) wherein it is stored on the server. The website doesn't include any path because it is directly attached to the registrar's server's unique IP address.
  • A website is simply a place that allows developers to display the contents and attach hyperlinks. On the other hand, a web page is a content or a document itself that is to be displayed on the website.
  • The development, designing, and maintenance of the website take more time than a webpage. As stated above, the web page is just a smaller part of the website, so it takes comparatively less time.
  • The overall structure of the website and its programming is relatively complex. However, webpages are easy to develop once the website has been structured.
  • Typically a webpage contains content about a solitary entity or a topic, whereas the website is a place that contains content from different entities or topics linking certain hyperlinks.

Note: It is important to note that the two terms 'Webpage' and 'web page' are the same. However, most people prefer to use 'Web page' rather than 'Webpage'. Similarly, the terms 'Website' and 'Web site' are the same.

Major differences between Webpage and Website

The major differences between Webpage and Website can be more clearly explained in a tabulated form, as below:

Short DefinitionA webpage is defined as the smaller part of the website that includes contents like text, media, etc. It also comprises links to many other relevant webpages.A website is a cluster of different webpages of different topics addressed to certain URLs.
File TypeIt is a single document that is displayed by the web browser using a specific URL address.It is a collection of many documents. Web browsers are used to access such documents using specific URL addresses attached to the website.
Entity TypeWebpage usually contains content regarding a single entity type.A website usually contains content regarding several entities.
Accessible byIt can be accessed using a direct URL link or through a website.It can be accessed through a domain address.
CharacteristicIt is an individual hypertext document linked under a website.It is a collection of multiple pages hosted on the server.
UseIt is used to store the contents or resources that are to be displayed on a website.It is a place that is used to display the content.
ExtensionThe web page URL includes the extension. i.e., the path of the file.The website URL does not include any extension.
ComplexityIt is comparatively less-complex to develop because it is just a smaller part of the website.It is comparatively more complex to develop.
Development timeIt requires less time for development as it is not complex, like a website.It requires comparatively more time for development.
Address dependencyThe web page address of any specific website directly depends on the website address (domain). This means, if the domain is down, the webpage will not work.Website address (domain) is independent of webpage address. In case the webpage is deleted due to any reason, the website will continue to work. All other linked webpages will also work as usual.
Common ExamplesContact Page, Registration Page, Sign Up Page, About Page, or any other page like this.Amazon.com, Wikipedia.org, JavaTpoint.com, etc.

General Example

Let's distinguish a difference between webpage and website with a general example. Consider a book as a website. The book contains several single pages with unique page numbers, which can be referred to as the webpages with unique URLs. Aside from this example, we can understand the difference between a webpage and a website using our website. Here, the domain https://www.javatpoint.com is a website, whereas the page we are currently reading (https://www.javatpoint.com/webpage-vs-website) is a webpage. Technically, a webpage is nothing but just a specific page of a website.

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